Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

OK - maybe I am in a bad mood - having a bad week (I did have day-surgery yesterday so that's my excuse n I'm sticking to it)...... I have piffle listed (due to being unwell) - and am learning what to do n not do re postage and starting prices - have had good luck but also been burned with the 99c thing....etc etc.....but what I don't get it why someone bids, wins, gets 2 friendly invoices, a final email re-stating my terms...I hear totally nothing whatsoever - and have to open (another)  NPB case.


What's in it for them???


I can't relist the thing til the case closes, eBay gets my buck or two, to invest while I wait for fee refund, and it is a giant waste of time and effort - then you can't even leave a neg or whatever in FB to let others know of the bidder's tendancies. I block them, but it has also happened twice now with a bidder with 0 feedback & one with 4 FBs. I know we all started with zero & many great honest buyer there be. BUT - and you all know what I, blocking a serial NPB only goes so far, cos they just sign up with a new ID - it seems.


I'm frustrated, I guess.

Do you think they just hit randomly?  I've had 4 in less than 3 months - and I'm not exactly selling 100's (or even 10's - ha ha) - a month.

Smiley Frustrated


"Purr more. Hiss less."
Message 1 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

Yes it's annoying. I don't understand why either. I have had 3 non payers in the last 2 weeks one with 10 items. I have sent a reminder to each with no response.
Message 2 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

I am glad you are blocking them.


also, it's great that you are opening cases, as any non-payers need to get that non-payment strike, so other sellers can block them too.


It's happening a bit, and always the question is why?


so I thought of a few reasons...


the thrill of placing a bid and coming up a "winner"...for the merely thoughtless


the added thrill of ignoring polite, then pleading messages from unpaid sellers...for the meanies


the chuckling at unpaid item dispute notifications...for the seriously stupid, who don't realise it will catch up with them



so all sellers, keep blocking, keep opening the disputes, as depressing as it all is, every one helps.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 3 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

Just a quick question for someone on this ID changeing thing...


If I block a buyer with ID = "xyz" and they then change their ID to "abc".


Is "abc" then able to bid/buy from me because I blocked ID "xyz" and not "abc"?


Or does the system recognise the ID change and automatically update my BBL so "abc" is blocked?


And if "xyz" has 2 or more strikes in the past 12-months, does new ID "abc" carry this strike count as well?

Message 4 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

The system recognises a changed ID.


once it is in, it is in, for the details of that ID, abc or xyz.


changing the ID name does not change the feedback, strikes etc.


they will still be blocked.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 5 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

Thank you - wise repliers - LOL - good advice & hear-hear amber (if I may) I also wouldn't know the answer but think it a fair Q - clarry.....


Hope the "thoughtless" - the -"meanies" & "stupids" (quote quote) - go away and find somewhere else to get their kicks. I prefer to only "play nice" - so to speak!!


But - ta again everyone..... I guess, another *vent* over (but NOT forgotton).


I'll try to put a lid on it and come back with something more positive for my next post - LOL!!!!

Smiley HappyHeart


"Purr more. Hiss less."
Message 6 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

Of course, a blocked bidder can set up a new ID and buy through that.


but that is against eBay policy, so they can be reported for doing so; as circumventing a block is not allowed.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 7 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

I guess a whole new ID would be difficult to recognise as the same buyer.

You really only have the shipping address to go by in such a case.

And if they paid normally you might not have any reason to go comparing that info.

We've never come across this so far. Well not that we know about anyway.

Message 8 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

It will always happen, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. There is a lot you can do to stop it bothering you though. Open case, close case, relist, move on. Dont waste stress on stuff you can't stop.


Cheap auctions suffer the most as people bid because its cheap rather than because they are eager for the item.


Auctions in general are worse than BINs as the time from clicking bid to paying is greater, hence more time to change mind, or find a better option.


Message 9 of 11
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Don't Understand Non Paying Bidders

Well said - lane-ends......I'm on a big learning curve with this selling thing!

Pity one needs money -  Smiley Surprised - to stay on the buying side of the equation - ha ha


"Purr more. Hiss less."
Message 10 of 11
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