on โ21-08-2014 06:09 PM
Hi guys,
I'm newish to eBay selling and am just wanting advice for best match ranking.
My rankings have dropped in the last day. For example if you type in 'lg g3 tempered glass' on ebay australia, my ranking is now 5th, it was 3rd, not a huge drop i know, but I have sold the 2nd most amount for this product, and in the last week I have by far sold more than anybody else. Another example is my HTC One M8 tempered glass listing, I have sold the exact amount as the person directly above me, in the last week they have sold 3 i have sold over 20, but today they leaped frogged my ranking when searching for 'HTC One M8 tempered glass'.
My feedback rating is 100% as well.
Anybody have any idea why i'm not higher? I contacted eBay and they said that it was very weird that it had happened but were unsure on why it did.
Any help or advice would be appreciated. If you look for my products its the 'Bruedon' branded glass.
on โ21-08-2014 06:36 PM
All I can say is, good luck with that....
on โ21-08-2014 07:00 PM
If you have ranked in the first 50 - first/second page - be happy.
Sellers here are forever trying to rank amongst the 'volume' sellers and it is no easy feat, just keep doing what you are doing and all should go well.
on โ21-08-2014 08:04 PM
As buyer only, my advise to you would be "Dont get all bent out of shape over it", as the majority of buyers search by "Ending Soonest" or "Cheapest" or some other combination. Rarely, if ever, do buyers even worry about the stupid best match thing.
on โ21-08-2014 08:30 PM
For our items best match ranking is definitely important.
When our listings are up in the rankings our sales are up and vice-versa.
Always works the same way for us.
I guess it depends on what you are selling to what clientele. Some genres of people search differently to others.
We don't understand why sometimes we rank way below 500 (and sales are non-existent) and yet other times can be up in the top 50-100.
on โ21-08-2014 08:40 PM
Thanks for the replies guys.
I just find it pretty frustrating how i can sell 11 of one item today then it gets leap frogged by someone who hasn't even sold a third of that in a week.
Guess thats part of the fun with eBay!
on โ21-08-2014 08:52 PM
@bruedon wrote:
Guess thats part of the fun with eBay!
That's the best way to look at it...
Best Match (and Cassini) is a bit of an unpredictable roller coaster. There are some factors that clearly provide a boost in rankings, or at the very least are supposed to, but there are many other unknown factors, and sometimes a listing will seem to just get "switched off", for no apparent reason (by which I mean some sellers have reported dropping off the first page right back down to the last few, so a loss of hundreds of places - if not thousands - in some cases).
BM and Cassini are also supposed to take the members own search history into account when it comes up with the results (and that's not just on-site history, either), so theoretically, search results for the same keywords are different for everyone (I haven't tested that theory, but based on anecdotal evidence, and a few assumptions , I suspect the differences are likely to be quite subtle).
And for another statistic that I can't back up with a source, or put into real context, I have read that only 30% of buyers switch from Best Match to a different sort order, and if true, the majority are just looking at eBay's default 'picks', so even though many sellers can continue on just fine without giving a thought at all to BM, and personally I think most sellers would be better off not trying to focus much attention on it, it clearly does have an impact on visibility, and therefore sales.
โ21-08-2014 11:08 PM - edited โ21-08-2014 11:09 PM
Best match is a crock. I have sold 100's of one item is doesn't rank in best match yet I can list a brand new item with no history and it will rank highly in best match.
You will drive yourself silly trying to keep up ranking highly in best match
on โ22-08-2014 12:35 AM
You will drive yourself silly trying to keep up ranking highly in best match
Which is why I never search for my own items unless out of curiosity when there are a lot of these posts complaining about it. Sometimes my items are up there near the top, sometimes they are not but on a monthly basis my sell through rate is remarkably consistent so I don't bother at all about where things rank.