on 06-12-2014 07:52 AM
I have 2 selling accounts with perfect records and on average only ever had 2 parcels per year go missing which I replaced,in the past week I have had 2 buyers complain through Scambays new money back guarantee nonscence both of which had already left me postitive feedback.
The 2 parcels were items around $10.00 so not worth reg post,I cannot beleive this has happened so quickly,I think even half honest buyers will be tempted into getting stuff for free,can't wait to get the hell out of here and they want us smaller sellers gone anyway. So horray to you ebay after 10 years and $300,000 worth of sales you cant honestly expect me to buy from here ever again after being treated like this do you?
on 06-12-2014 09:33 AM
@harley_babes_hoard wrote:
I think new MR CEO is a carbon copy of the old CEO
I think so too..
on 06-12-2014 10:47 AM
We all do mistakes, sellers, buyers, ebay, paypal.
My questions are what kind of mistakes we do, how we could corect them and how to solve any problem we have as sellers.
Is there any organization of ebay sellers ? if yes which one if not why we do not create our own organization?
United we could solve easier our problems and promote THE MUTUAL benefits from ALL sides!
We like it or not the system will work if all sides are satisfied!
on 06-12-2014 11:11 AM
I understand what you are saying but the bottom line is unless you send goods with registed post we all have no rights with this mob and it is futile to argue with them about it.
Low priced items will be gone from Ebay very soon I predict,they are making a big mistake sucking up to big companies like Harvey Norman ect.
They will use Ebay for awhile and then abonded them as why would they pay Ebay fees when they have there own websites which already pay Google lots of money to get top billing on there search engine?
on 06-12-2014 12:01 PM
i can just imagin the feebay boardroom meetings, MR NEW CEO with 12 cloned MR CEO'S all agreeing with every hairbrained idea MR CEO comes up with. whichever MR CEO came up with the 180 day money back guarantee i bet they wet themselves over it.
on 06-12-2014 12:02 PM
@antonios7529 wrote:
Is there any organization of ebay sellers ? if yes which one if not why we do not create our own organization?
United we could solve easier our problems and promote THE MUTUAL benefits from ALL sides!
We like it or not the system will work if all sides are satisfied!
Pardon my cynical addition to the subject but, an organisation of Sellers would be the last thing eBay would want. An organised assemblage of disgruntled and financially disadvantaged Consumers?
Can you say "Class Action" girls and boys? I knew you could!
on 06-12-2014 12:16 PM
@clarry100 wrote:
Is there some way all the p---ed off sellers can band together to form some kind of co-operative and develop our own web site that will actually provide a properly balanced platform for both buyers and sellers? If it existed I know where I would be selling.
Must be someone out there who would know how to look into going about such a thing.
Already been done clarry, QS. Problem with it was an original name no one knew how to pronounce, plus very little advertising. And since Carsales has owned it, there has been even less advertising. So 9 years after starting it's still not well known. Shame, if done right from the beginning it could have been really big now.
on 06-12-2014 01:20 PM
the only way to get ebay to take any notice
is for every single seller to stop listing for three months.
then maybe ebay will see that sellers are there profit and maybe swing into action to fix all the wrongs they have comitted over the past four years. but like i said it will take all sellers to comit to it and grow some balls and let ebay know that sellers are feed up with whats happening.
the way i see it three months now without sales to prove a point to ebay they are to greedy and need to change there ways or continue to list and let ebay know that no matter what sellers will list.
COME ON SELLERS VOICE YOURSELF STAND UP AND SHOW EBAY THAT TO CHANGE THERE WAYS OR FOLD AND NO LONGER HAVE A BUSSINESS.....................................................................................................................
ive closed my 2 selling ids stand up and be next...
on 06-12-2014 02:38 PM
They don't want us small to medium sellers thats what this is all about,if the scammers don't get you the deficit system now in place will.Thats my whole point,ebay has managed this perfectly and will be glad to see us all go.they only want big brand Aus sellers like HARVEY NORMAN,TARGET,SUPERCHEAP ECT,ECT plus high volume chinese sellers.
I would not be suprised if Aus post has something to do with all of this as they are loosing hundreds of millions of dollars and will eventually wind down letterpost and letter post parcles in fact they are already talking about it.We are stuffed even more if they wind that back to 3 days a week and I am not into conspiracy theories......................
06-12-2014 03:50 PM - edited 06-12-2014 03:51 PM
small sellers are doomed.
06-12-2014 03:55 PM - edited 06-12-2014 03:56 PM
@4green2000 wrote:In my other account i have made many thousands of transaction and have 100% positive feedback.When that stupid 120 day policy came in, it just scared me to list anything anymore and that was the last straw.
It was good as i made some pocket money and it was fun.
The more i read the forums the more reasons i get not to list anymore.
Correction.....180 days NOT 120...Who was i kidding ?.Gee thats 6 months..