EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

I like many Sellers have had problems over the last week or so with labels printing out with 22KG on them.


I lodge most of my items with Australia Post and some would scan through, other would not!!!


Today I posted another 2 items... 1 x scanned through OK.     


The other said the BAR CODE was INVALID..


I posted this item anyway thinking it was just the glitch with the system ans as the buyer had specifcally asked if I could post today if I could as I live in Sydney and she is in the ACT.


I then received an email from Ebay this afternoon 


"  As of writing, our Technical Team are investigating 24 hours a day 7 times a week in order to fix this problem with the labels.


For the meantime, we suggest that you don't use the 'Print postage label' and post the item directly with Auspost.

We do apologize for the inconvenience, Helen. Once I receive an update from the Team, I'll let you know right away.


Please don't forget to cancel the labels as well so that you will get a credit after 25 days.


I trust that this information is helpful."


Unfortunately all my items were posted using these labels some are OK and did scan through others did not.. and 1 said INVALID BAR CODE


I have suggested to EBAY they send a mesaage to all sellers advising them of this and their suggestion that we NOT USE THESE LABELS.


Just wanted to let everyone know... and I suggest all Sellers who have had this problem contact Ebay and advise them to cover your selves and give Item number and Tracking number on items already sent......if anything results re Aust Post rejecting the item or making the buyer pay when received..or receiing bad feedback!!!! which is as we all know the last thing that we all need!


Hppe this is helpful ...as this problem has now been happening for about a week and still not fixed!

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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

I printed an express 500gm satchel today which had 22kg declared weight on it - I lodged as normal because I figured the worst that could happen was AP might think the package overpaid rather than underpaid (if it was a big, 22kg box with 500gm declared weight printed on it, then I would have worried 😄 ). Thankfully it scanned ok and shows the lodgement online, but agree they need to fix it, especially if the barcodes aren't being recognised. 😞 

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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels


"For the meantime, we suggest that you don't use the 'Print postage label' and post the item directly with Auspost."


Extremely lateral thinkers those bods at ebay


....... and I have a suggestion for you ebay........


FLICK THE SWITCH so that nobody can print postage labels till you decide to pull your head from your nether regions


and fix your postal label print program.


It is much more likely that you are not sure what is causing the "glitch' but you live in hope that if you keep **bleep**


with it while live  using  unknowing ebayers accounts as guinea pigs that sooner or later you will fluke a


solution and declare victory over the "glitch' scourge

Message 3 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

As a footnote to this problem, I was also told by ebay not to use the print labels, and that "they were aware of the problem and hope to have it fixed by....... the 23rd May !!!!!,


wow, they must have some brains working on this issue!!!!!!



Message 4 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

Has this been resolved? ebay live help are telling me it has been? Could someone please let me know as I have nothing currently listed, thankyou.

Message 5 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

No it hasn't .


Tried to print another label this morning still saying 22KG


The item I was worried about in the post above was actually received by the buyer .. no delays at all.


Sent from Sydney to Canberra on Wedmesday morning she received yesturday.. this is the item which when being scanned it stated "INVALID BARCODE"


It could actually be a plus for those sending large items up to 22kg !!!!


I think this is why Ebay are telling sellers not to use the labels.


But then again, i have not received feedback on a lot of items so don't know if they got them or not.


THis is however quite normal as it is not that many that actually leave feedback as all sellers will know


I know another sellers on this Forum advised he could not even get into the label printing area.. but i got in there today and printed a label


Hope this helps in some way



Message 6 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

Thanks for the information Helen.


Does not give me much confidence if there are still glitches - am trying to get back

into some casual selling and bought a quantity of Bx4 boxes with the intention of using the

ebay flat rates for those boxes. So I have been a bit concerned about the label situation as

the ONLY way I can get the special pricing is through ebay labels (I understand click and

send don't do it and certainly I won't get the flat rates posting/paying at a counter).


Won't be happy about quoting the flat rate pricing in my listings to find there is a stuff

up with the label system and thus be forced to charge/absorb much higher prices.

Really trying to avoid this scenario.

Message 7 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

The one time my label printed out like that, I used whiteout over the 22kg and used the text thingy to write in the correct weight that I had paid for.     If you are using a B4 box you would have to be careful about whether is would have beeen cubed, in which you put the cubic weight i.e. 16 kg cubic - otherwise put 5kg.


My white-out parcel scanned okay at the PO and has been delivered, so I don't see a problem.   Surely they are working on this.


Luckily it doesn't affect the ebay satchels for 500g and 3kg.

Message 8 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

helenm777 wrote:"



But then again, i have not received feedback on a lot of items so don't know if they got them or not.


THis is however quite normal as it is not that many that actually leave feedback as all sellers will know




But you can see for yourself in "manage postage labels" if your parcels have been delivered.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: EBAY advised NOT TO USE 22KG Incorrect labels

@helenm777 wrote:

No it hasn't .



It could actually be a plus for those sending large items up to 22kg !!!!



Damn! All my stuff is lightweight. Maybe a good time to shift those heavy items we would like to sell 🙂


On a side note, one of the AP staff that I made a complaint to once weighs EVERY item and checks it against the stated amount. I've been having a bit of an inward chuckle lately.

I'm going to keep using it, all have scanned so far.

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