on 30-01-2013 02:33 PM
Ebay has cancelled my seller account under the assumption I was selling "Fake" Blu ray's. Even though I have proved to them by way of supplier receipts they still will not re-instate my account. I have called ebay and they will not put me through to anyone that can overturn or review the decisiontelling me I can only email customer help and I just keep getting defult responses form them.
Can someone please give me the email address of the Ebay CEO or complaints department regarding Ebay's handling of this complaint.
Also do I have any rights under the Fair Trading Act as a customer of Ebay, with a seller account and Ebay Store?
on 30-01-2013 04:29 PM
Also do I have any rights under the Fair Trading Act as a customer of Ebay, with a seller account and Ebay Store?
I have asked Fair Trading in the past and eBay has the right to decide who can and cannot use their platform in the same way that a B&M business can refuse entry to someone for whatever reason they like.
on 30-01-2013 04:37 PM
I have asked Fair Trading in the past and eBay has the right to decide who can and cannot use their platform in the same way that a B&M business can refuse entry to someone for whatever reason they like.
And there you have it. It is ebay's playground and it is up to ebay who they allow to play in it. They have an absolute right as stated clearly in the terms, conditions and policies you agree to when you joined to cancel or limit your account in any way they wish.
I suspect many people have complained to ebay about your listings if you have not given the item location as the UK and have not said that you are dropshipping plus it is evident from your many negs and neuts that some of the disks are not region free as promised. It may even be possible that Amazon have shipped the wrong disk on occasion, if you were the recipient then it would be easy enough for you to get a refund from Amazon but because you have become just a 3rd party in the middle unfortunately the buck stops with you.
on 30-01-2013 04:45 PM
Of-course, CEO of such company as eBay or PP cannot allow anybody who rocks up from the street to walk into their office. Every buyer who got scammed for $20 would try to see him. And of-course, they will not take your call, for the same reason. His job is to make even more zillions in the next financial year, not "petty" problems encountered by members.
on 30-01-2013 04:59 PM
I dont think 4 negs and 3 Neutrals in a month is ALOT. Especially since the postives are almost 800..Thats Under 1%. This was all including the Xmas purchases with delayed post and everything.
all my listings declared the item was shipped from the UK and all my listings declared that I was located in australia and the item would be shipped direct from the suplpier in the UK.
Not all my items are Region Free there are Region B items in there as well, which is the Region that both UK and Australia share together. There has been a couple of items that was advertised by the manufacturer as Region Free but once released they were not as advertised all these were refunded quick smart.
I might only be one person but I am not going to be bullied by Ebay, over false allegations defaming my business ethics and my name. I have been a member of Ebay for 11 Years as a buyer and seller.
on 30-01-2013 05:23 PM
The complaints about sound and quality not being good is probably because those buyers don´t realise they need high quality cables for the best results.
on 30-01-2013 05:48 PM
For what its worth I sent an Email to the CEO of Ebay and the CEO of Amazon.co.uk advising them that ebay.com.au have cancelled my account because they believe the items that Amazon are supplying me are Bootleg Products.
I cannot believe that companies like this can ruin someones income source and push you aside in one uncaring sweep.
They want to keep the buyers "Happy" and the sellers can go to hell. Last I looked the Seller was the one paying the store, listing and final value fee's. I guess in the scheme of things my $3000 per month in fee's is just peanuts to them.
on 30-01-2013 05:59 PM
"And there you have it. It is ebay's playground and it is up to ebay who
they allow to play in it. They have an absolute right as stated clearly
in the terms, conditions and policies you agree to when you joined to
cancel or limit your account in any way they wish."
So if they eBay decide to ban a seller because they are indigenous or female or any other reason that's OK with you.
Good to see how sympathetic you are to this persons plight.
on 30-01-2013 06:12 PM
It does not have to be OK with anyone but ebay.
You acknowledge their right to do what they like in regards allowing anyone to sell on their site.
It makes no difference what we think or how much sympathy we extend to the OP....at the end of the day it is up to ebay.
on 30-01-2013 06:15 PM
So if they eBay decide to ban a seller because they are indigenous or female or any other reason that's OK with you.
Are there any laws to stop racism, sexism, etc that apply to the online world?
Does society even want there to be laws?
I am not suggesting that it is OK but in an era where social media plays such a large role, if a seller was thrown off eBay purely for racist or sexist reasons the social media response would make them reconsider.
However, regardless of whether the seller is guilty or not the reason for closing the account was due to fake discs and there is little chance of an outcry over that.
Once upon a time it would have been illegal to sell genuine DVDs made for the UK market to Australia. I assume that is no longer the case, but it must be killing our industry.
on 30-01-2013 06:26 PM
If they are not going to allow you to list then cancel the subscription for your store and any other things you have subscribed too as they will still charge you for having it even with no listings.
You can reopen the store when you can sell on the ID again.