Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

I signed up for the new Managed Payments system a few weeks ago.

A couple of days ago I got a red bar at the top of my Seller Hub saying they cannot verify some of my information.

I've had a look and everything is correct, except that there are "xxx"'s over the day and month of my birthdate.

When I click on it, it says the DOB is in an incorrect format.....but there is only one format to put it in DD/MM/YYY.


Anyone else having this stupid problem?


UPDATE: Just saw there is a link to upload photo ID, which I guess it what we'll all need to do in the end.

Message 1 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

If it were the only way, then it could well be worth it, but it's an unreasonable barrier IMHO, bordering on discriminatory, when there are multiple forms of ID that can verify someone's identity, and for some it may just not be possible - eg what happens if you can't afford a passport, and aren't even eligible for a driver's licence due to a disability of some kind? (Rhetorical question, but I'd put good money on there being quite a few people who sell on eBay who simply can't get either form of ID). 

Message 21 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

Digi - I understand where you're coming from.


I'm just saying that for someone like the previous respondent who pays a subscription fee every month to run a shop, getting a passport shouldn't be out of the realms of possibility. Someone who doesn't WANT to get a passport to confirm ID is a different issue to someone who CAN'T get a passport.

Obviously drivers licences are a different kettle of fish altogether and require a different type of effort and ability.


Ebay has decided what forms of ID it will accept and like everything else on this site, we either comply or we leave. It's their sandbox, they can set the rules and they sure don't care if sellers close up shop and leave in a hissy fit.


Years ago when Ebay made Paypal compulsory, so many people had tantrums over it and threatened to leave the site. I'm sure there are plenty that closed up initially in protest and then realised that they still needed to make a living, complied with Ebay and quietly reopened their shops and carried on doing business as normal.



Message 22 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

That is my feeling, I have a chronic health condition that means I can't pass the physical competence side of getting a driver's permit and the fact that they are refusing to accept legitimate ID of equal value to a driver's permit means I am kicking up a stink. This is a human rights violation, it may be a relatively minor one in the scheme of things, but sometimes you have to make a stand and unless eBay change their policy on this I will take my business away from them.

Message 23 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

Jelly, I had no issues verifying myself to PayPal or Etsy. It is not just the $300, it is the whole fandango! I have shown them legitimate ID and they refuse to accept it, clearly they want smaller shops like mine off their site.

Message 24 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

@Cyndy - Ebay have never implied they want sellers like yourself off the platform - more sellers means more fees for them, regardless of the size of the sellers shop.

Whilst I belive that in the States they do accept other forms of government ID from sellers, after 2 years of rolling out these new requirements, they probably have slightly different requirements for each country. For whatever reason determined by Ebay, Australian sellers can only provide passports and licences.

Message 25 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

@cyndykittprod wrote:

That is my feeling, I have a chronic health condition that means I can't pass the physical competence side of getting a driver's permit and the fact that they are refusing to accept legitimate ID of equal value to a driver's permit means I am kicking up a stink. This is a human rights violation, it may be a relatively minor one in the scheme of things, but sometimes you have to make a stand and unless eBay change their policy on this I will take my business away from them.

What an insult to people who have actually had their human rights violated, that you would dare try to compare this inconvenience to real hardship, abuse, detention, and suppression.


Go on, pack up your online shop, along with your first world privilege, and go sell somewhere else if you're feeling so hard done by.

Message 26 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

There are universal human rights that address more than just basic freedoms or gross violations - take this one for example:


Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.



If there was a paywall in order to access those things, depending on circumstances, it could acyually be determined to be a violation of rights. I'm not saying eBay's unwillingness to accept other forms of ID count as this, I'm just pointing out the statement - while it masy seem hyperbolic - isn't a huge stretch of the imagination and this is one case where I would recommend the ACCC be advised of the policy. 

Message 27 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

@digital*ghost wrote:

There are universal human rights that address more than just basic freedoms or gross violations - take this one for example:


Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.



If there was a paywall in order to access those things, depending on circumstances, it could acyually be determined to be a violation of rights. I'm not saying eBay's unwillingness to accept other forms of ID count as this, I'm just pointing out the statement - while it masy seem hyperbolic - isn't a huge stretch of the imagination and this is one case where I would recommend the ACCC be advised of the policy. 

The ACCC doesn't deal with human rights violations - that would be the AHRC.



Message 28 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

They deal with unfair and discriminatory business practices, and I would personally be interested in knowing their response, especially once they are advised that proof of age cards have been accepted as ID from some members, but not others.

Message 29 of 47
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Ebay cannot verify personal info after registering for Managed Payments

In NSW you can apply for a NSW Photo Card from Service NSW.  Looks to be free for eligible pensioner, senior or carer and $55 for 5 years otherwise.  Cheaper and more convenient than applying for licence or passport and I can't see any reason why eBay should not accept it.



Message 30 of 47
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