Ebay charging fees including postage

How does Ebay allowed to charge a final fees which include the postage - I would have thought that the postage cost was only the seller and Australia post - how do they get away with it - loophole in the system may be
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Ebay charging fees including postage

@2ndhandjanet wrote:
I'm feeling more and more dismayed too by ebay fees. I only just learned that there's a fee for listing's that are "Buy it Now" every 30 days. I thought they were the way to go when something didn't sell but I'll have to rethink things because I think I'm running at a loss too - it's very hard to work out all the fees - I've been refunding postage too, only to have ebay take it off me as well!


The fees are simple, and adequately advertised.


As a seller, it is up to you to know what they are. Especially ones that have been around since Adam was a boy

Message 41 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

I"ve just relised it to so its best to beat them at there own game, just add postage on top then your starting price and just say free posting that way if it sells you wont get charged.

Or go on your buy swap and sell on facebook in your local area and sell it there costing you nothing, send ebay broke bloody theives.   

Message 42 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

How do you work that out? If you sell an item for $90 with $10 postage, you're going to be paying exactly the same amount of fees as if you sold it for $100 with postage included.

Message 43 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

A point i agree but ebay rally are punishing the mass for a few and lock people into paypal also with a fee charge Gougers

Message 44 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Just a excuse their lawyers have cooked up charge what you can getvaway with

@robertguy0 wrote:

this is a no win situation for the honest sellers only a money win for Ebay


Message 45 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Thanks for your insight. It was obviously something that warranted dragging up an old thread, as none of us would have thought of that.


Or the fact that this has been done to death. The Government and the ACCC ruled it legal many years ago, so eBay's lawyers obviously justify their pay.

Message 46 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

Okay - but that doesn't make them ethical...try a little kindness for those of us who are not stores or professional sellers...we do tend to find things out in dribs and drabs as we go along...I have been selling for 8 years and have only this week learned about the postage/shipping fees being scraped off the top by eBay. I am not an idiot by a long shot - but keeping up with eBay's ever-changing administration practises is simply not on my daily radar of priorities

Message 47 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

and again - common courtesy is one of eBay's rules - please do not disparage others who obviously don't spend their days trawling the forums like you perhaps might - we all come to this at various stages and for different reasons. There is no room here for rudeness or sarcasm. eBay is certainly not a large part of my life - I have far better things to do with my time after I have listed or purchased. I came here for assistance with a question I had and did not expect to encounter a slagging match.

Message 48 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

not so - I only just found my way here and have found it really helpful

Message 49 of 95
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Ebay charging fees including postage

I'm neither a large, nor professional seller, yet I distinctly remember getting an email from eBay, 4 or 5 years ago mentioning the fees on postage. One does not need to trawl the forums to get that information, eBay send a message to all members alerting them to changes. If you choose not to read those emails, it's neither eBay's fault, or the fault of anyone here.


EBay send those emails for a reason. They know members don't have time to be checking the policy pages every day, so message everyone instead. I would suggest reading the emails that eBay send you from time to time with policy changes. That's what we do.

Message 50 of 95
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