on โ16-11-2012 04:34 PM
Well it's happened again....
We have gone from the normal 5 to 10 sales a day, 5 to 10 ebay questions a day, to zero sales, zero questions, and no views!!
This happened less than a month ago and lasted 5 full days.
Then as if someone hits a switch we are back on and selling again.
I have just created a 7% off sale on some items, trying to see if I can trigger some sales and have the lights turned back on.
Anyone have any suggestions? Really don't want 5 days of zero sales, particularly coming into the weekend.
on โ17-11-2012 10:21 AM
I agree bsal, but eBay sellers have to make a living as well. A B&M store has a lot more expenses obviously, but they also have greater buying power, and the expenses are spread over a volume of areas, staff, freight, etc and with a turnover WAY more than you will see here in most cases. With a lot of eBay sellers it is a case of 'just me', my buy in, my eBay fee's, my postage costs, my time, my petrol and paypal costs, then all of the reverse in a case of lost, missing, stolen damaged parcels, it is not always black and white, and not all sellers are out to rip off the buyer, most are just keeping heads above water. ๐
on โ17-11-2012 10:37 AM
The trend of drop in sales can be directly related to your asking price. Sell it cheaper. Why do sellers not understand this? People are on ebay looking for bargains NOT looking for overpriced stuff that the buyer can usually get at a similar price in a BM store.
If it is a similar price in a B&M store then in what way is it "overpriced"???
I shop on eBay for convenience and range. I don't assume the price will be cheaper. I would rather spend a few dollars more for high ticket items and purchase from someone who advertises their address and has a B&M store provided the overall cost is not going to be significantly higher than going to the shop. When I shop for business supplies I purchase from those who can provide a tax invoice.
The drop in sales is not always related to the asking price. Dropping the price is not a guarantee that sales will increase.
on โ17-11-2012 12:43 PM
In fact, there is anecdotal evidence that too low a price can turn buyers off. There is a suspicion that it's too good to be true; so either a scam, inferior product or undisclosed flaws.
Personally, I won't engage in being a lowest common denominator seller, racing to the bottom price-wise. I set a fair price, having regard to the market. If other sellers want to undercut me, so be it; I still sell the odd item.
on โ17-11-2012 01:41 PM
The trend of drop in sales can be directly related to your asking price. Sell it cheaper.
Oh really? How do you explain the fact that I sell more when my prices are higher, then?
For example, I run 10-40% off sales to try and clear older stock once a month, they last for between 1 and 2 weeks, time and time again the items on sale will sell at full price a day or two after the sale has ended.
Another example - I used to price my handmade stuff, on average, much lower than I do now, yet I am now considerably more successful with those items with higher prices.
Your simplified advice lacks a good deal of insight.
on โ18-11-2012 02:36 PM
sales have slowed down
on โ18-11-2012 02:44 PM
I have once had an item for sale for few weeks at a very low price, I just wanted to get rid of it, I di not like it, and would have been happy to get my costs back. It did not sell. Then just as it finished yet again without selling, I got an email from somebody asking me if I sell it for half of what I had it listed. I was not in very good mood already, and that message really made me angry, and I listed it instead at double of the previous price. Not only that it sold but there were few bids (one of them the person who wanted it for 1/2). LOL
But putting price up does not always work ๐
on โ18-11-2012 03:21 PM
I often run sales because I like to turnover my stock and I simply cannot store all the items that I would like to. More often than not though an item will sell a day or two after a sale has finished and the price has returned to 'normal'.
on โ18-11-2012 03:26 PM
Sales are slow all over, I mean I sell baby stuff and sometimes I feel like Im waiting for the monthly influx of births all over aus, for a few things to sell. But slow sales and the fact that listing are not even appearing are two separate issues. I cant believe that article, if it is a server problem they could at least 'turn the lights out' on for instance on non store owners like myself and have some type of disclosure so at least you know whats going on. Hearing that this is happening to stores that pay 50 bux a month plus, now thats disgraceful on ebays part!
on โ19-11-2012 04:35 PM
In fact, there is anecdotal evidence that too low a price can turn buyers off.
I absolutely agree, if I have an auction item that doesn't sell I either move it to my store id at a much higher price than it was starting for at auction or I leave it a few weeks and re list as an auction higher than before.
on โ19-11-2012 04:37 PM
Remember to pay your electricity bill in future. ๐
( Running quickly........ )