on 14-10-2012 09:55 PM
Are Ebay trying to get rid of the little sellers? I am new to selling, just trying to get rid of some stuff to help pay for decorating my house.
I was lucky enough to sell a piece of jewellery and between Ebay and Paypal, I have paid over $104 in fees, to say that I am amazed is putting it mildly.
I read the fee structure but didn't 'comprehend' just how high the fees would be.
I have also noticed that there are a lot of watchers but they don't buy is this normal?
What can I do to reduce fees and entice sellers to buy?
on 14-10-2012 10:04 PM
Why are you amazed? You paid just over 10% in fees, how much do you think you would have paid if you had sold it for the same price in an auction house, how much do you think it would have cost you to advertise it nationally in a newspaper?
IMO ebay FVFs fees are perfectly reasonable at 7.9% and Paypal is one of the cheapest 3rd party payment portals and I doubt if anyone would have paid that much if they couldn't use a safe payment method.
All the fees are there for you to weigh up before you list and nobody forces you to use ebay.
on 14-10-2012 10:17 PM
I did not insinuate that I am forced to use Ebay, I have used auction houses, markets and newspapers and find that Ebay is most definitely one of the most expensive.
I do not mind paying an insertion fee.
I do not mind paying FVF but I feel that it should not be based on a percentage, that it should be capped.
I realise that you have an answer for everything Phorum Junkie,this is evident when reading other posts, but please respect my right to an opinion and do not be rude.
on 14-10-2012 10:17 PM
WOW lucky you to have paid that much in fees for 1 item.
You must have been please to sell 1 item for that amount.
on 14-10-2012 10:19 PM
Capped at $50 max is what I meant to say. Why should Ebay benefit if a seller is lucky enough to receive a good offer for their items.
on 14-10-2012 10:54 PM
What do you mean the FVF is capped at 30 listings per month?This was one of the first 30 items that I listed which I know are free, but the FVF is capped at $1000 and this INCLUDES the freebies.
on 14-10-2012 11:16 PM
Ebay takes a little to learn but overall it's a very effective and reasonably priced format to sell.
I would have sold the Georg Jensen item with the fee built in as well as listing within the 30 free listings, then the fee is capped.
Watchers are often other sellers as well as buyers, curious as to whether you sell at a particular price.
As for enticing buyers, if your description and photos are good, then the price is all that needs to be right. Maybe some re-lists are needed for the time when someone looking for that particular item looks on ebay.
Looking at your sales, a very good start IMO. Very few advertising mediums get the traffic ebay does.
Happy ebaying.
on 14-10-2012 11:19 PM
If it was sold within the 30 free listings the Final Value Fee is 7.9% and capped at 100.
on 14-10-2012 11:22 PM
Thanks, I appreciate your advice and will look at adding the fee into the price if I have any other higher value items to sell.
on 15-10-2012 04:06 PM
kopenhagen5 you referred to the ring as being a Georg Jensen, I have to question that as the title is Georg Jensen style and I don't think it looks anything like the quality of an 18ct gold Georg Jensen "Fusion" ring.
Lets hope the buyer is not expecting a Georg Jensen ring.