on โ05-12-2013 12:03 PM
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but I have had 3 echeques clears thismorning but I couldn't find them in my reminders 'to post'. They have not been auto marked as paid but instead marked as posted and are in my sold folder.
on โ05-12-2013 01:13 PM
weird? that didn't happen to my one and only echeque.
What did happen though is that it was initiated on the 13th, cleared on the 21st, I posted on the 22nd.
However, it shows as having been paid on the 13th, and thus it shows I took 9 days to post the item.
Buyer left me a rating of 1 on my posting time DRS's, and eBay thinkls this is OK as it is their opinion of the transaction.
Knew I should have used Superman for that delivery.
on โ05-12-2013 04:46 PM
Something weird happening number 4 did the same thing. Went from the selling reminders items waiting to be paid to my sold list with no $ paid icon just the postage icon. When I physically went in an unmarked them as posted and marked them as paid instead it came up with $ paid with paypal.
on โ05-12-2013 04:48 PM
Very strange. I had one clear an hour ago and it's showing as paid, waiting to be posted.