Ebay with holding Money that is not theirs

ebay being ive left phone number in messages before about you with holding or stealing $74.54 for products that were sold posted and received so it is my money .Now i have use you for 15 years or there about ,nothing had changed so what is you problem PAY UP ,Patricia 

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Ebay with holding Money that is not theirs

Well OP.  at least you have learnt how to read and reply to messages,  Gold Star. 

Now all you need to do is figure out how to get paid, you have to follow procedures,but it seems that is a problem for you, so it is illegal for ebay to pay you,  Now take that to the bank.

Have fun dealing with  ASIC ,  because I can see that is where your money will most likely finish up.

Now somehow,  I think I have provided you with more help than I should.

 I don,t think you will be getting much more help here or from ebay, if you ever manage to contact them.

Message 21 of 23
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Ebay with holding Money that is not theirs

Every single new and infrequent seller has the same hold on their money. I recently reactivated an account that hadn't been used for years and when I sold some items I still had to wait 30 days, even though that account is more than 10 years old.


If sellers decide to list and sell more, this hold falls away after a few months and then your funds will be sent according to whatever schedule you set in your Seller Hub (daily/weekly/monthly). Until that happens, you will have to wait it out like everybody else.


PS: Managed Payments has been around for almost 3 years - it is the sellers responsibility to be aware of all terms and conditions when they sell. You can't blame Ebay just because you didn't read the updated guidelines.

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Ebay with holding Money that is not theirs

@7494.jessica wrote:

it not my problem its ebay they have had my number and im just after the money for items ive sent ,they have had my bank details i want my money that all .and if ebay aint doing it and you only getting auto matic messages .well what can it say 



 I understand how frustrated you feel because you feel you have done everything you need to have done but you still haven't had your money released.


This is actually a good forum to have come to because although we are none of us from ebay, there are some sellers on here with a lot of experience who can give advice.


Your main aim now is to get your money.

No matter what you do though, ebay has a hold on money from infrequent sellers and it stays in place for about 30 days.

So have a look at when your sale was and calculate when the 30 days will be up. That's probably the earliest you can hope to see your money.

Now I am not one of the experienced sellers or not in recent times anyway, and that's all that counts. But I think if you are signed up to managed payments, you can nominate how often you want payments to be transferred to you? eg daily, weekly etc

Make sure you have that all marked but most of all, if you have any doubts at all, contact ebay chat to double check that you are fully signed up to managed payments and that there should be no holdups once your 30 day hold ends.


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