on 11-02-2015 06:50 AM
Just a heads up to anyone trying Gumtree as an alternative.
I did an ad on Gumtree and paid $2 for a highlighted ad. On my bank statement it showed the money going to ebay billing!
on 11-02-2015 06:55 AM
Yup, they sure do Hervey, they own part of paypal as well - greedy little buggers aren't they ?
on 11-02-2015 08:33 AM
I sell a few things on gumtree (free listing) and to be honest,its been good. Im also waiting for the day where you cant put up a free ad anymore.They are getting as many people onboard and publicity as possible, then hit them hard just like their greedbay site. Wait and see
on 11-02-2015 09:15 AM
YEs and whats more the ACCC allowed ebay to buy out Gumtree and Go Fish but it won't let Carsales buy out the Trading Post .. funny that huh? .. in fact over the years the ACCC has repeatedly allowed ebay or their affiliate to buy Australian enterprise websites and close them down with no repercusions (yahoo bought sold.com.au and immediately closed it and redirected users to ebay they then blocked IP addresses from selling via yahoo auctions!!) .. the ACCC is meant to be the government body that actually protects Australians from monopoly and anti competitive practices but has obviously rated tax dodging multi nationals who receive payment directly to their Swiss bank account as "very special" and Australian based businesses as fodder .. ebay even put in a 1 billion dollar bid to buy our Auspost but luckily the offer was rejected as being a billion to thin .. could you imagine the chaos this country would be in if/when ebay expand their operations into our utilities? ..
11-02-2015 09:16 AM - edited 11-02-2015 09:17 AM
Come in spinner 😉
They brought Gumtree in 2005 I think...... a DECADE ago.
on 11-02-2015 09:22 AM
That should have read as ... (yahoo bought sold.com.au and immediately closed it and redirected users to ebay they then blocked AUSTRALIAN IP addresses from selling via yahoo auctions!!)
on 11-02-2015 10:35 AM
on 11-02-2015 11:29 AM
I'm actually quite interested to see if / how the Gumtree-exclusive PayPal policies will affect the site (no buyer protection, but automatic seller protection - no documentation required, last I read). Kind of the opposite of eBay, in a way.
on 11-02-2015 03:19 PM
they want to privatise auspost and the lucky winner will be, 2 guesses if you need them.
on 11-02-2015 03:24 PM
This isn't exactly a secret - they've owned for quite a long time...
If you look at the bottom of a Gumtree page, it quite clearly says "Ebay International". Used to say "An eBay company".