Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Going through a pretty poor patch right now. Hardly any views, watchers obviously mean nothing anymore (just sellers scoping out prices) and can't sell something for pennies.


Have any sellers gone through this patch where it feels like you are completely invisible to anyone with $1 to spend and how did you break free from it?

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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Try to find a niche in the market.  I am finishing up selling the things I have been selling in recent months . . . . but that has more to do with the seasonal nature of what I have been selling.  I will be using one of my other IDs to sell items that come up on eBay.au very rarely and are sought by collectors.  I am able to have a regular supply of items to list and should do quite well so long as I do not flood the market.

"if a story doesn't make sense . . . . then it is not true" - Judge Judy
Message 2 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Hi Soul,


I'm always learning something new on ebay, it's a big learning curve and the forum is one of the places for that. Sometimes you will have a good Sales week and then the next may not be so good!  I think everyone experiences this at some point, whether you are a small seller or a store.


Have you considered branching out on the current items that you sell?  I have found alot is trial and error, do some research and find items which sell well and what doesn't, JMO

I'm sure there will be other more experienced sellers than myself that can offer you lots of tips/advice. 


All the best! 🙂



Message 3 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

soul I am in a selling rut at the moment and I can't see a way out.


Due to extreme illness over many months I failed to sell enough to keep my dsr on any ID.


And while I don't have any negative feedback I feel lost in amongst all the other listings on page 5 or 6.


I have tried 3 day auctions to get as near as possible to the 1st page, I have tried BIN and also Best Offer. I have tried "free" postage, I have tried half price postage and full postage charges.


A couple of items I was happy to "give away" at 99 cents plus the buyer pay full postage and even those did not get many page views.


I only use 99 cent start auctions on items I really only want to go to a good home and am more than happy for someone to pick up an item they won for 99 cents.


so when you find the magical solution please let me know.

Message 4 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

soul I am in a selling rut at the moment and I can't see a way out.


Due to extreme illness over many months I failed to sell enough to keep my dsr on any ID.


I haven't had extreme illness bump, but can't get myself well.  Also suffer from frequent migraines which put me behind. I  haven't been able to list very often so my listings have gone down a bit.  I have been keeping a not regarding delay so guess that is putting buyers off, but would rather do that and get better, than wear myself out.

I'm also going through a bit if a rut, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I have a couple of other IDs I haven't got to lisitng on, haven't a clue how they will go. 

Hang in there Soul - it will come good!!!!  Like your User ID!!!  Guess your yearning for sales ATM!!!!

Good Luck to all sellers!!!

The Important Things in Life Aren't Things
Message 5 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Thanks very much.


As much as it sometimes is a seasonal thing as LOTB mentioned, I do feel it's a personal thing too with each seller's own influence adding (or detracting) from the feeling someone gets when viewing the listing. That's just one of those things, I guess.


Bump, what I think is sometimes price doesn't matter. It's a feeling people get. You can have the same item between two people and one can sell for heaps and the other not at all. One way to try and improve is see how others are doing it. There's just something that some people have which works... and for others (like us), not much works. Lately I've been trying to simplify the description. If they get a positive feeling, the description won't matter and if it doesn't sell then I haven't wasted much time. It's a subconscious (or conscious) thing that someone gets. It's like walking into a home. You either feel comfortable or you don't.


For selling within Aus, one tip I learnt from the boards is finishing the listing (or BIN) on a Sunday evening or night. It's when most people have the time to be at their computers browsing. The only other thing I can really add is to try and be breezy. My last good sale that went over a 'competitors' item of the same value was when I literally did not know how much it was worth. It wasn't a tactic or anything - I just started it low and let the market decide. My breezy subconscious must have come across and it actually sold for much higher than I anticipated! So, I think people do pick up when you're just casual about it and they're more likely to be interested in that type of feeling than a serious one, IMO.

Message 6 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Thanks kayedonproducts and I like your items! Very fancy, colourful, bright and glad they're being sold too!


Alot of people are doing it much tougher than me. I'm just selling some things from home and venting. I hope sales improve for every good person who is doing it tough. We all have to experience bad times but in some ways I do believe in karma and that the good times are near enough if you stick with it.

Message 7 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Thanks for the compliment Soul.  Just wish I could increase my listings by waving a magic wand, but doen't work that way.

Yes, we all go through the good and bad times.  I think many people are being more careful about spending their dollar - know I am.  Just have to keep on keeping on and give the best service we can to all buyers.

The Important Things in Life Aren't Things
Message 8 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

Post #4 should read - keeping a note on my store front advising of possible postage delay.

Must learn to edit before posting ?:|

The Important Things in Life Aren't Things
Message 9 of 26
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Ever felt invisible on eBay? How did you break free?

im lucky i sell disney and kids movies   so  even though im a new  seller they tend to sell

Message 10 of 26
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