This buyer is either very inexperienced in buying or is down right crazy
and needs to get off purchasing through ebay. I too would contact Ebay
and attempt to have the neg FB removed and highlight their pattern of
behaviour of giving neg FB to other ...
What you have said Revampz is so true! I've always loved Ebay and will
continue to sell and buy here. But it doesn't mean it's the only place I
will use. Buyers and Sellers these days have more access and
opportunities to sell and buy on other sites/...
SuperOcean.....Try and provide direct links to your other selling pages,
like on your website - a direct link to facebook will help customers
find you easily. Also checked facebook and I can't find your facebook
page?? I noticed you are located in Sy...
No problems superocean, happy to help. Maybe even look at trying
facebook (in addition to ebay) as lots of sellers are creating a
business page and selling there and even a website. Also put
links/information on your selling pages to let your custome...