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Sales down

I was wondering if it just me or whether over the last few months others have experienced a general drop in interest and sales. It could be that this is just the case for my sort of merchandise (new and used designer wear for women) or maybe its true across the board.


I used to have quite a 'following' of repeat buyers and its also possible that since I had a break in selling for a month, while on a trip overseas, those 'followers' who had me as a favourite seller dropped off.


I guess there are lot of variables at work here but there is no doubt that I don't get the same number of watchers as I used to and my final selling prices are significantly lower.


Just interested to hear whether others have had any similar experience.

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Sales down

thanks so much for your good advice. I have a website, but it seems not working at the moment, i paid &750.00 for a year, only sold one item a year. maybe i need more marketing. i also have a facepage page called Super Ocean, i think, but it is not wokring as well, i know know how to sell there. but i have a lot of photos at facebook page. maybe i need more time to improve my facebook page.  thanks a lot a lot.

Message 31 of 37
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Re: Sales down

I meant, I don't know how to sell on facebook page. i need to learn more about technology.  i will try to learn.  this is the trend we have to follow. otherwise we are lagged behind. thanks again.

Message 32 of 37
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Re: Sales down

SuperOcean.....Try and provide direct links to your other selling pages, like on your website - a direct link to facebook will help customers  find you easily. Also checked facebook and I can't find your facebook page?? I noticed you are located in Sydney.... keep an eye on facebook for pages which allow you to promote your business on their page, there is a facebook page called  "fun for kids - western sydney" the lady who runs the page recently allowed businesses to promote their business on her page by asking them to provide a giveaway/freebie to her likers on her page,  her likers need to like your page to enter the competition etc, she runs this kind of thing from time to time and its a great way to get exposure for your business, so keep an eye out for this sort of thing on facebook.  Search and check out other businesses and like their page, watch and learn, see what they are offering and how they sell on facebook.  Some run competitions once they reach xxx amount of likes for people to share their page. Alot are offering their customers the option to pay via paypal, direct deposit and pickup which is no different to ebay.

Message 33 of 37
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Re: Sales down

thanks so much again. you are so smart and have a lot of ideas. i think you are my friend now and you will get some reward from me for sure. thanks a lot.

Message 34 of 37
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Re: Sales down

Thank you SuperOcean.... Always happy to help. Goodluck with your business.  Have a lovely afternoon! Smiley Happy

Message 35 of 37
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Re: Sales down

Hi I am looking to sell on here again and see how I go.  However I do think the whole area of retail is changing dramatically....First of all what people are buying has changed, most people I know are extremely sick of cheap **bleep**e from China, or if they are getting just general stuff that they dont want forever they are going to places like kmart etc for stuff that is so cheap it is scary..........throwaway stuff.   My friends and I go to the local markets on the weekend, which are everywhere and buy homemade and crafty UNIQUE stuff....and the reason I think this is hugely popular is pinterest........that is massive and with all the ideas on there, the amount of homemade markets that have popped up in my city alone is incredible..........and once again I use the word unique...


The other major change to retail is facebook.  I live in Townsville with a population of 200 000 and the amount of pages and groups here alone is huge.  There are buy sell swap mothers groups, selling vintage groups, upcycled furniture, freecycle pages, car sales pages, car parts pages and they are popular, free and no postage involved.


Ebay is now just one place to buy stuff, whereas prior it was one of a couple of big sites........and then you have alot of business and sellers now with their own pages as well, where you can buy direct, no middle man. 


I personally think Ebay is full of too much stuff from Asia.  And this really is a personal choice, but I dont like Buy it NOw... I used to come on here looking for unique collectables and retro and vintage stuff and loved the pursuit of a bargain by auction.


It really is a very different retail world out there now, mainly due to technology.  One thing, lucky Ebay own Paypal as that is going to get more and more popular due to all these other pages and sites now selling.

Message 36 of 37
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Re: Sales down

What you have said Revampz is so true! I've always loved Ebay and will continue to sell and buy here. But it doesn't mean  it's the only place I will use. Buyers and Sellers these days have more access and opportunities to sell and buy on other sites/pages, which I think at the end of the day, isn't a bad thing!

Message 37 of 37
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