Attention ALL eBayers thankyou for your business and purchases can you please leave feedback. It is much appericated thankyou.


Cheers Billy (billexploited)

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@davewil1964 wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

As a buyer only (now), what i find a little annoying, are sellers who leave the same feedback for EVERY buyer!

Almost a *one size fits all* promo!

Leaving feedback is optional. Sometimes I do, sometimes i dont.
I dont particularly like being ASKED to leave feedback.... Or reminded again and again to leave feedback.... 

I do that. What would you suggest, given I leave feedback as soon as I post? And why is it annoying? You are surely aware of the value of buyer feedback.

...are you asking me or telling me???
either way, the answer is YES but its STILL NOT compulsory. As I said, sometimes I do, sometimes I dont. Not really worth the fuss......

Honestly, the less drama I can have with a purchase, the better for me. I don't want all this emailing and little notes asking for feedback in my parcel. I don't want to be flooded with emails from eBay, the seller, the seller, the seller THE SELLER!!!!!!  UGH! Some sellers are really good and couldn't give two hoots about my 2cents worth of dribble feedback. Its not really worth 2 cents anyway.
Back in the good old days when you could write diatribes, it was entertaining to write/read or both. Now, with your limited characters you can barely get a *fast postage, as described* blah blah to that description before you run out of space. hardly worth the effort.
I'd rather have a cup of tea  Man Wink

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 11 of 14
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I guess the first question would be-do you always leave feedback for your buyers?

Some of them might be holding out till they get theirs first.


I did have a laugh at one of the posts where someone said most buyers who want to give a neg don't hold back. Probably true.

But I have also been in the position where I was really, really livid about a couple of purchases but chose to leave nothing rather than give the transactions the rating they deserved. That's because a couple of other transactions with that seller had gone okay.


So I guess, be careful what you wish for!!


Really though, some people give feedback, some don't & asking here on the boards will get you nowhere. Those who never leave feedback probably can't be bothered reading boards either.

Message 12 of 14
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@fixnwear wrote:


"Asking them for it would get you a neg"


Why is that - and how on Earth would you know with such conviction that anyone gets a neg just for asking for a feedback?

From what I see around the boards, those who want to leave a neg are seldom shy about it - are almost nevr holding back - they just do it.

Those who don't leave any at all - well, it could be lots of reasons.

Do they really get so crazy angry that they are asked to leave it - that that alone makes them give someone a neg?


But not surprising - almost everything on Ebay is totally oposite of a normal human behaviour.

Everyone in business asks for a f/back one way or another:





Service Industries

Do we all just slander them for no other reason but just because they dared to ask?

Of course not! Quite the oposite.

They even have ready printed 2-3 page leaflets to be filled in

Ebay's f/dabck takes a fraction of the time - people are just lazy for the best part.

And almost everyone, without exception here on the boards tells sellers not to ask for a f/back as they will get a neg!

Several times sellers asked me to give them f/back once I have received the items - for the life of me I couldn't see anything wrong with it - their asking for f/back, it's just a normal thing, perfectly understandable and expected in the enviroment where sellers seem to have to depend on it and buyers seemingly place so much importance on when doing their shopping.

A lot depends on how a seller asks for feedback.  I'll put my hand up to leaving a neg because a seller asked.  They left a response to it stating that they were only asking had I got my item but that wasn't true at all.  They didn't ask had I got the item or was I happy with it, they simply asked me to leave feedback.  Without asking was I happy with everything, I felt that asking for feedback was as good as telling me to leave it.  I would have had a completely different attitude if they'd shown any interest in whether the item had arrived, but they didn't.  It was ALL about them.

Message 13 of 14
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I got a message from a  buyer yesterday "leave feedback ". No please,  no thank you, just a demand. It got my back up real quick.  He'll get is feedback, but not until 59 days after his purchase. I'll leave feedback when I'm good and ready. Usually every Sunday, but he can wait now.

Message 14 of 14
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