Feedback System Failure

Thank you for giving me the chance.


We have a negative feedback left by one buyer.


Please check all the eBay message between the buyer and us, if you can.


The buyer purchased a bird cage from us and he sent an email to complain that the item is broken.


So we ask the buyer to send some photos to us and then we can find the best way to solve the problem.


However, the buyer replied the message next day and he said he throw away the cage.


He asked for $70 refund and also he threaten us that if this is not done I will be claiming the full amount through paypal and negative feedback will be left. Obviously, the cage is in good condition (otherwise he can easily provide photos) and the buyer just want to pay a half price for the birdcage.


Of course we refuse to refund $70 to him, because he doesn’t have any evidence to prove the birdcage is damaged.


I called eBay two times and I spoke to two supervisors on 11th of July (1 hour conversation).

I only remember the male supervisor called Ben and I don’t remember the female supervisor.

Both of them ask me how you can prove the birdcage is not damaged.

That's ridiculous. The buyer said the birdcage was damaged, but he refused to provide any photo evidence. Why I should prove the birdcage is not broken? He can take a photo and upload to eBay if the cage is broken.


The most sad thing is that the female supervisor’s attitude. She sounds like a big boss, and she said she can make any decisions she wants. I also asked her that, if I purchase something on eBay and I am doing the same thing like my customer. For example, I purchase a dog crate from my competitor, and then I said the cage is broken, so I throw away. After that I am asking for $50 refund, and I will leave a bad feedback if you don’t issue refund to me. The female supervisor said to me “that’s fine. You can do that, and you can write whatever you want”.


You can see how ridiculous of the feedback system on eBay.

Why don’t you just make a rules like if the product has defaults or other problems, and they buyer must to provide evidence for asking refund.  


I guess those eBay supervisors are not qualified and they don’t have experience being as a seller .


I feel sad for eBay to hire someone who doesn’t care about eBay business at all.







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Feedback System Failure

Thank you for your help.


The feedback has been removed by eBay finally. 





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