on 17-08-2016 12:05 PM
Is there an unwritten shorthand code for buyers to leave feedback? I am not talking about all those flowery symbol things you can grab off the web, I mean anagrams or acronyms that mean certain things.
I recently received feedback in one of my shops on a clothing item, positive rating, with just DR in the comments. I have been wracking my brain trying to work out what it could mean. Anyone? I'm going to feel really silly if it is an obvious one, lol.
on 17-08-2016 01:43 PM
Since its a positive, I would go with Described Right ....
on 17-08-2016 02:40 PM
maybe the buyer pressed enter by accident. I think the buyer meant to right a statement that starts with the word DRESS.
on 17-08-2016 02:56 PM
i rekon its 'broken keyboard caps lock stuck on only d & r work'
on 17-08-2016 04:38 PM
The picture and symbols in feedback is easy done with an emoji keyboard Tippy, most are free to download from google play store.
on 17-08-2016 05:24 PM
Is there an unwritten shorthand code for buyers to leave feedback?
No, there isn't.
There are places where someone might use an acronym, in an ad or in feedback, but on the whole, they would be acronyms which are readily recognised by the majority of people.
The whole purpose of writing is to convey a message. DR generally means Doctor if it is in front of a name. On its own, it is pretty meaningless to most people, so in effect your buyer failed-he or she did not convey any message at all. But they gave you a green dot, so that is the message others will take from it.
on 17-08-2016 08:25 PM
@bakeandfry wrote:The picture and symbols in feedback is easy done with an emoji keyboard Tippy, most are free to download from google play store.
Ahhh, OK. I rarely use my phone to leave feedback. Only because I suck at typing on it!
on 17-08-2016 08:43 PM
On a PC, you can just copy/paste the symbols.
These are all smooshed together, but copied from here:
on 18-08-2016 10:44 AM
Awesome, thank you!
on 18-08-2016 03:38 PM
I agree there is some shorthand going on, and like all of you haven't got a clue what people mean.
I had one with 'C'. Was that a rating for the item? And I've had others with 'D' also.
Maybe it's something to do with mobile apps, and you have to be under 20 to know what is meant - which leaves me out of the picture on both counts.
I haven't worried too much about it, annoying though it is - I figure someone, someday will enlighten me.
on 19-08-2016 07:17 PM
I'd ask 'em.
Along the lines of...thank you for your positive feedback, so pleased you are happy with the item and service. Just curious, what does DR mean? Apologies for needing to ask :). Have a great day...