
Hi All. Trying to leave negative feedback for a non-contact purchaser but it is not an option in Feedback.

Any help appreciated

Message 1 of 30
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@*sons_n_daughters* wrote:



Given that a court of law (I'm in NSW) can't enforce payment, there is not a chance in dixie that ebay is going to enforce a payment. Think of it like a warranty advertised on ebay. Yes, it's there in print, but that's all it is. I strongly doubt anyone would spend a few grand in legal fees to prove a point over a $10 item.

Exactly. My daughter found the same thing years ago, when she wanted a side fence built on their new property. Council said legally the neighbours were supposed to share costs but in practical terms, if the neighbours refused, it was cheaper to pay the whole lot yourself rather than try to take it to court.


I'd imagine that applies very much to small ebay purchases too. Sometimes you just have to be practical.



No, you can't leave neg feedback for buyers. Haven't been able to for years. Buyers can leave neg or neutral for sellers though. Just the way it is.


It's stupidity on your part to leave a neg comment with a green dot. For starters, any buyer who takes offence can just contact ebay, get it removed and you're the one whose account will get into trouble.

Secondly, you're just upping that buyer's 'good' score, Making them look better. Probably very few will ever read the comments but people will notice their total score & you're just making them look reliable.


What worries me is you seem to think feedback is the thing to do. If someone buys but fails to pay, feedback shouldn't be your choice for getting even. Go into ebay and make a claim against the person for an unpaid item, get your fees back. The buyer will geta  strike.

You won't see it, I won't see it, but it'll be there and if they get another one any time soon, they will be blocked from buying off a lot of other sellers.


Have you got blocks in place? If you have a bad experience with a buyer, you need to block them from ever buying from you again plus make a claim on ebay if applicable.

That's how you get revenge, not with feedback.

Message 21 of 30
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It is that's how auctions work it's Legally Binding!

Message 22 of 30
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Trying to make them pay is a lost cause.


Have you not read any replies?

Message 23 of 30
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But stawks


It 'says'


so it must be true


Must be nice to have all that spare money laying around to take non paying buyers to court to make them pay



Message 24 of 30
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@slayerking! wrote:

It is that's how auctions work it's Legally Binding!

Good luck with that.


Message 25 of 30
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Message 26 of 30
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He's dreaming. lol


To submit a claim - small claims div - around $140.00


Sheriff - to deliver the bad news - around $70 - oh and that is per visit - if not home the first time. lol


++++ - yep - really worth it.

Message 27 of 30
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Obviously they didn't read my reply! ๐Ÿ˜„ 


If a court of law can't make you pay, ebay has buckley's chance. The court of law, that's the people with lots of certificates on the office wall, and letters after their name, not some pleb in the Philippines getting paid 50c an hour ๐Ÿ˜„


Slayerking! needs to learn how things really work in ebay land. Binding contracts are worth less than a toilet brush.


My court case had a couple of hearings. I had to go to Sydney, because that's where the buyer was. Obviously, I didn't take anyone legal with me, but it was just a hearing. As the transaction took place here, I was able to get the final court hearing moved to my local court. Meant compulsive buyer and her bully husband had to travel here. 


Conveniently, their solicitor had a stroke the night before, so couldn't come. They had consulted Judge Google and decided they could get me with Consumer Law. Except they couldn't, because I was a private seller. Case was decided in less than 5 minutes. My solicitor hammered them with lots of legal jargon. Definitely NOT Dennis Denuto! Even after the decision, they kept going on and on and on about Consumer Law. The judge hit the gavel, STOP, YOU LOST, go home. My solicitor took us out the side door, because he feared bully husband might be part of a mafia group, so got us out of there. Bully husband had previously threatened us with friends who were hitmen. 


I did check her account recently, she is still a compulsive buyer. 

Message 28 of 30
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Now she is one it would definitely be worthwhile for sellers to put on the blocked list!

Message 29 of 30
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@springyzone wrote:

Now she is one it would definitely be worthwhile for sellers to put on the blocked list!

She's definitely on mine! She ended up leaving me negative feedback, which ebay removed. I think most of her transactions go through ok, because she buys small things like lamps and coffee cups. She did buy a caravan one time, and a spa another time. Hubby was happy for her to keep them because it was something he could use too. The item she bought from me, he wasn't happy with because it wasn't something he could use. Well, he could, but it's not something he wanted to use. 


Apparently she has bipolar, and when she goes off her meds, she goes on these shopping binges. He knew she was interested in my item, but he told her to just come and have a look, then come home and they'd discuss it. She loved it, so bought it and took it home. Very unhappy husband! I had listed all the faults in the listing, which were the reason hubby was so unhappy. It was going to cost around $2000 to get it up to scratch. I had put that in my listing. Like a lot of buyers, she looked at the photos and didn't read the quite lengthy description detailing everything.


I sometimes wonder if she ever got it up and running and doing what she wanted to do with it. 

Message 30 of 30
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