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Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

I have a screenshot of eBay stopping me from relisting my items until I increase my Buy It Now Price to a set 30% above my normal auction start price. I have reported this to the ACCC. I feel like I am being blackmailed into collusion, predatory pricing and price fixing. My auction start price is already set as low as possible so now eBay is forcing me to rip off buyers by setting the Buy It Now price way above what I would normally charge. This needs to go on FB too. How many eBay sellers are now being forced to rip off their buyers??? I guess everyone doesn't bother with auctions any more? I guess eBay needs to lift their bottom line with everything sold at a premium retail type price? No announcement, no readily available information about this on their fee table. Something sure ain't right any more about this place, that I do know.

Message 1 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Sorry chezzy  I have always read your ID as cheezy  oooops, sincere apology :-x


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 81 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Arr yes the sellers dont want you to complain now , Think ill make a few meself to the ACCC, As for them having better things to do at the ACCC LOL yeah right sure. They have a right to complain to the ACCC no matter what you think and will be advised buy that department from there. 


It is there taxes to not just yours.

Message 82 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price



I rarely used BIN with auctions but when I did I set the BIN price at probably more than 30% of the start price, since the inception of BIN with Best Offer I have never used the BIN with auction option and I did not need ebay to tell me that it was a viable, indeed preferable option


That is fine if that is working for you, but I do find the BIN with auction useful.  My items are expensive and often only get one bid, as there is a lot of competition, so I list with price I can live with.  Putting the BIN there makes people feel they are getting it cheaper than what I value the item at.  But more importantly, I have sold a number of them for the BIN price.  Sometimes people may have been in a hurry and did not want to wait 4 or 5 days for the auction to end, but one of them went for BIN only hours before the auction was ending - no need to say there were no other bids.

At present I have something  starting at $240, and I would like to put the BIN at $295. but have to do it now at $320, which is just far too much, it looks too much.  So I do not do the BIN.  Since I dropped the BINs I keep getting offers!!!!  The latest one said "would you take $230?". !!!!!!!!!!!   Another asked if I drop the postage cost by $4.50, and when I said yes OK, just place your bid and I will end the listing selling it to you and will send you invoice with the reduced postage.  Well, she did not place the bid, which is annoying as I have to keep going back checking; would not want somebody else bidding on it as well, there are some watchers on that item.  I am glad I did not do some special listing for her.

As I said already, setting a minimum difference between the start price and BIN is a good idea, but IMO 30% is too much, at least on expensive items.


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 83 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Community Member

PJ you must have been distraught when some unthinking seller reported eBay/Paypal about trying to make Paypal the only payment option.  Some thought that was within eBays right too.  We can all now see that your way of selling on eBay is the only correct way and we will all immediately correct our errant ways.  Luckily we don't yet have to justify to you why we want to sell at a particular price or which options we will use.


Profanity is no substitute for wit.
Message 84 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Community Member


Message 85 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price



A reasonable reply to bump a thread. Adds so much to the debate that I am speechless.

Message 86 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Community Member

"A reasonable reply to bump a thread. Adds so much to the debate that I am speechless."


Dave - speechless - a very rare occurrence - perhaps I should have used another letter

Message 87 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

Perhaps you should have posted something relevant.


Perhaps, from observation so far, that is not possible. 3 from 3.

Message 88 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

I rarely used BIN with auctions but when I did I set the BIN price at probably more than 30% of the start price


for what my magazines fetch being forced to set the BIN 30% higher then the auction start price  i don't have an issue with, and BIN comes in handy when the buyer takes the bait as most of my magz only sell at one auction bid. But I did come across a snag with a $50 item, 50 bucks is the least i'd accept for it so I set the auction start price accordingly. A BIN price made it too expensive - set it anyway to see what would happen. There are quite a watchers and i predict towards the end it will only sell at one or two bids. in this case a BIN with an auction aint gonna work.   

Signatures suck.
Message 89 of 91
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Re: Forced to Set Buy It Now Price 30% Above Auction Start Price

PJ you must have been distraught when some unthinking seller reported eBay/Paypal about trying to make Paypal the only payment option.  Some thought that was within eBays right too


Not annoyed, just incredulous that people could actually think the ACCC had the authority to stop ebay making Paypal the only payment method if they so wished.


As it turned out the ACCC could indeed do nothing other than ask ebay nicely if they would at least allow another 3rd party payment method to be included, ebay of course agreed probably in the full knowledge that very few sellers and even fewer buyers would use a service that was both more expensive and carried less seller protection.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 90 of 91
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