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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

I am sick of ebay changing thing..

my free relists are gone, 

must use business policy on all  accounts

NO Credits still for Australia post Creit for 10% off.

I am fumingmad


Sorry to rant


Message 1 of 118
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117 REPLIES 117

Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

Mines back!!!! I just listed an item to check after the last couple of posts. Maybe they got sick of sellers contacting them? Who knows? Who cares? I just hope they hang around for a few days so I can relist some unsolds.

Message 91 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

Are the free relists retrospective? In other words, are the items I listed last weekend (my 40 freebies) able to be relisted? Does it have to be done manually?

Message 92 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

You need to revise. After I posted my last message I went and revised the 2 listings I did the other night where the option wasn't there. They only have 1 day to go and it let me revise them. The box was there, but I had to tick it as it wasn't pre ticked.

Message 93 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

Not applicable
my free relists box is back too.. ive just gone back and ticked about 150 boxes

yes i had to do it manually and it took me an hour

worth it though!
Message 94 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

I think I have just answered my own question. I checked one of my recent listings, and was able to check a box for 3 free relists. But it appears as though each one will have to be done manually (unless anyone knows how to update in bulk for someone who doesn't use Selling Manager)..
Message 95 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

Everyone else was too quick!! However, even if it means every listing has to be revised manually, it's a lot faster than having to relist everything again when the next month rolls around.
Message 96 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

I've just revised all last weekend's listings, and they are now all set to automatically relist. Oddly enough, there were several where the checkbox wasn't available first try, but when I retried the revision, the checkbox was there.

But the whole business is Very Odd isn't it? I wonder if ebay meant to remove the relists? or whether it was a glitch? If it was a glitch, why all the BS spun by the Live Chat people?
Message 97 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

@egglesdtp wrote:

But the whole business is Very Odd isn't it? I wonder if ebay meant to remove the relists? or whether it was a glitch? If it was a glitch, why all the BS spun by the Live Chat people?

It's a fact that in some countries people feel that they're losing face if they can't answer a question so they just make something up.  They don't think about the consequences of it, they just do it so they don't feel bad.  I've heard many people say over the years that if you ask directions in some countries you can end up driving miles in the wrong direction simply because the person you asked doesn't like to admit that they just don't know. 


I'm pretty sure the comments have all been in relation to Asia, so it would make sense that the ebay staff just make things up as they go along rather than admit they don't know what's happening.  That would explain the wild variations in answers people have received over this issue.  I really wouldn't be surprised if it was glitch, but nor would I be surprised if they suddenly had a change of mind when they realised we're not going to pay to list.

Message 98 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

It appears that the free auto-re-lists have suddenly re-appeared.


Who knows for how long though?

Message 99 of 118
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Free 3 relisting gone... Must use business policy.

The only accounts that didn't have the 3 free relists removed were the ones where paypal hung onto your money for 3 weeks. There can be no mistaking that this "tactic" was implemented by ebay but they reversed their decision at the 11th hour, obviously because they realised they are flogging a dead horse constricting an obvious revenue stream in the hope that people affected would change to stores or open new accounts where papypal would then get 3 weeks of interest free loans and then quite possible ebay would raise the minimum store price back up to $50 for the stores and continue to allow their Cassini search engine to hide your listings via best match default so that their stock market listed insiders can dominate their chosen categories and thus the back room deals can continue unabated etc etc etc ad-infinitum.


Anyway for me it was the straw that broke the camels back as the 3 free relists were obviously introduced as a sweetener for the FVF on postage and the 40 free per month were the sweetener for the introduction of $1.50 listing fees so obviously ebay are going to continue messing with us all the while banging up fees, baiting and switching to their hearts content and progressively diluting the product for the small time user so that their stock market listed mates can ride rough shod over us .... bbbbbbaaaahhhhhhh .... baaaaaaahhhhh

Message 100 of 118
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