Free Postage & Competing with CHINA

Why are we competing with Chinese ebay sellers flooding ebay China with product that has free postage?  Postage that is paid for by the Chinese Communist Government?  Is this a fair system?  NO NO NO  China floods our market with product, yet how can we compete on cost if ebay insist on ripping us off by charging fees on postage?  No profit for AUSTRALIAN  sellers on AUSTRALIAN ebay because of bad policy, no protection from markets that don't even try to do the right thing.  Rant OVER.

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Re: Free Postage & Competing with CHINA

Hmm, and are the b&m shops going to form a union to stop online sellers under-cutting them, just as the online sellers will form a union to dictate terms to ebay?  Ha ha ha!!  Get real!


A lot of sellers need to be a bit more realistic about what is likely to sell.  If half the sellers on ebay did a stint as a buyer for a b&m store, they'd send the store broke in no time because they have no idea what's appealing to others!  Sellers also need to be more grateful that they have an opportunity to sell with such low overheads.  I don't necessarily agree with all the fees but I'll bet they're a lot lower than the overheads paid by a b&m shop, and we don't have to pay upfront like they do - except to buy our stock, but we don't even have to do that all at once and can just build up gradually.  Imagine a b&m store that started out with only a corner of the shop filled with stock, yet we can do that on here.


If a union had the power to dictate terms to ebay, they'd probably go too far and kill the goose that laid the golden egg.  There's no way I'd give my power to someone else who isn't necessarily going to represent my wishes!  You'd be far better to pool your money and start up a new site - IF you can find anyone to join you, and if you can find anyone with the know-how to do it. 


And how is changing ebay's fee structure going to make any difference when it comes to competing with China?  They'd still be heaps cheaper even if you eliminated ebay fees altogether.

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Re: Free Postage & Competing with CHINA

I think one day somone will create a better site then ebay for australians only.

That way we will have more chance to compete and be able to maintain better profits.

The problem is ebays fees ,paypals fees and so on and so on.

once you add all your costs up per item, there is not much profit left.

More and more people are buying from china and dont mind getteing mucked around and waiting months for your order it seems.

A good Australian site , lower fees would be great.

we need to keep the money in the country for the future of our kids.

Anyways thats my thoughts.

Does anyone agree.

@dvd_555 wrote:

Why are we competing with Chinese ebay sellers flooding ebay China with product that has free postage?  Postage that is paid for by the Chinese Communist Government?  Is this a fair system?  NO NO NO  China floods our market with product, yet how can we compete on cost if ebay insist on ripping us off by charging fees on postage?  No profit for AUSTRALIAN  sellers on AUSTRALIAN ebay because of bad policy, no protection from markets that don't even try to do the right thing.  Rant OVER.


Message 12 of 14
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Re: Free Postage & Competing with CHINA

You have replied to a thread that is over 2 years old....and I am surprised that it is still here.


It is against ebay posting policy to agitate against ebay or promote petitions etc.  I think ebay would frown upon anyone trying to unionise the sellers and any seller who values their selling priviledges would not want to join.


As for other selling sites in Australia....there have been several over the years and there still are but as many of the sellers who have tried them will tell you, there just is not the number of buyers that are on ebay.


I am a member of another selling site but 99% of the time I come back to ebay.....there just is not the variety of goods that are on ebay.

Message 13 of 14
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Re: Free Postage & Competing with CHINA

So true DG. I would not touch the A site.  What I do have a problem with in my catgeory is my lack of ability to report counterfeit goods sold en masse on ebay by both Australian and Chinese sellers ( Australian ones are importing from the Chinese sellers and sell locally) . I know there is the Vero program but the relevant trade mark owners ( Disney and more) do not police ebay where for example poor quality balloons are sold at 10% of the price of an official one. This kills it for bonafide sellers like me and the people doing it know it isnt policed in Australia. It is in the USA and Europe and does not occur.  You are unable to get these items removed when its so obvious they are counterfeit.  You dont see this issue on the A site as I have checked. eBay needs to make its market place cleaner as well as it discourages people like me from listing a lot of their inventory on there. This means actively working on a pro active basis with product licensors especially in categories where they have a sales volume to make sure the selling and buying environment is both fair and safe - something which ebay loves to preach about but only enforces when it suits them.







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