on โ26-10-2015 01:42 PM
on โ26-10-2015 03:35 PM
Check that your photos comply with ebay policy regarding size and also if you have more than one picture and the listing has been active for some time, make sure that the first picture is selected as the gallery picture.
Lately ebay have been not showing photos at all if they are too small or don't comply for some other reason.
on โ26-10-2015 07:28 PM
@lulicool wrote:HELP! Half my listing pics do not appear in gallery. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Way more than half, I could only see 8 out of 92! The pictures were there when I clicked on several listings. Some of the photos may not be of required size. I clicked on the orange slice necklace and the photo was only 400 x 300, as was the white chocolate fondant ring, and I think you need one side to be at least 500 pixels. The flamingo ring photo isn't showing even though its size is showing as 728 x 546, which is of the required size. Several that I clicked on are too small, but others aren't, so not really sure what's going on!
I hope you get it sorted. Your items are ones that really need to be seen in the search results because some of them are so darned cute! I'll be showing your listings to a few girls at work because they absolutely love stuff like that.
on โ27-10-2015 02:47 PM
NAAAW! Thanks TippyToes lol
UGH! What a pain in the butt!!!!!!
Thanks so much for your replies guys xx
on โ27-10-2015 02:51 PM
You know I thought a listing wouldn't even post if the pics were not within the required parameters...
on โ27-10-2015 09:27 PM
Hi just to let you know I'm having the same problems. Started a few days ago. Not only my photos - some of which have been on and OK for a while now, but also having trouble seeing other people's items. The problem must be eBay itself???
on โ27-10-2015 09:50 PM
Hi Deco, if it's any help, I checked your listings and I can see a gallery picture on all them.
on โ04-11-2015 08:46 PM
Ugh! I have a love hate relationship with eBay right now! I've spent the last few days resizing all my pics - AGAIN - so here's hoping it's sorted...for now
BTW, I checked your listings and your pics seem to be okay xx
on โ04-11-2015 11:39 PM
Hi Lul. Not sure if you've finished resizing your photos, but I just checked your listings again and 5 of them are still not showing the gallery photo.
1. Christmas light earrings - all the photos are 300 x 225 pixels
2. Gothic coffin tombstone earrings - 300 x 225 pixels
3. Alice in Wonderland tea cup ring (the blue doily one) - 300 x 225 pixels
4. Rockabilly red strawberry ring - 300 x 225 pixels
5. Creepy denture false teeth ring - no photo showing at all, not even inside the listing. Not sure why that is because as far as I know, you have to upload at least one photo!
I showed a few people at work your listings and there was lots of ooohs and aaahhh's and OMG's. They love all that cutesy stuff (so do I for that matter!). Hopefully it converts into some sales for you. If I draw one of them in the secret santa this year, I know where to buy their gift!