Getting totally scamed thanks to ebays policies always in favour of the buyer

Hi all i have just had a item not described case opened n me which is a total scam and everyone who sells should be worried about this loophole that buyers are starting to use to get free items.

I sold this jerk a old video camera it was sold untested in the parts only option as it had no battery or leads etc.

He received it this morning and claims guess this he received a 35mm film camera instead not the video camera.

For some reason he is either not happy with what he bought or wants to try and get something for free

I know what i sent him was the video camera not a 35mm camera.

I had a look at the guys profile and he looks like a bit of a wheeler and dealer in cameras and i think he is just tring to swap some piece of worthless junk he has lying around he desnt want for what i sold him all at my expense with postage etc.

Thanks to ebays policies dodgy buyers can do this with anything they buy now so pretty much anything you sell your at risk of losing your goods and money from.

I would love to put up the dodgy buyers user name but im not sure if im allowed to.

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Getting totally scamed thanks to ebays policies always in favour of the buyer

Well he has dropped a negative on me and is proceding with the case.

The lowest of the low this guy basically stealing the item i sold him so he can resell it later on one of his other accounts and trying to harm my reputation with a completly fause feedback

I had a dig around at his feed back and all the trouble he hes caused other buyers and i have found he has at least 3 seperate ebay accounts where he goes around causing major trouble for both buyers and sellers i will put this out for everyone so you can all block him and feel free to send him a message telling him what a low life he is.

This is who he goes by on ebay




I really sugest you block him before you have any dealings with him

Message 11 of 13
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Getting totally scamed thanks to ebays policies always in favour of the buyer

Looks like a big time seller that is also lying about where he is based.

He can't be in both QLD and NSW 

Have you noticed if he has the item that he is scamming you with up for sale on one

of his accounts?

If so then contact ebay and point it out to them.

Good luck

Message 12 of 13
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Getting totally scamed thanks to ebays policies always in favour of the buyer

You'd think that ebay would get that you have nothing to gain from getting a negative feedback and scamming someone with your level of positive feedback.

If it went to court, you have the runs on the board and the buyer doesn't

Message 13 of 13
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