Good news for Ebay Sellers? Amazon to block its US website for Aussies


Good news for Ebay Sellers? Amazon to block its US website for Aussies

Stupid question time with Everard (who has had far too many cold and flu tablets today, so forgive):


If eBay is just going to add 10% on to prices from overseas sellers (as they've said they're going to do), does that include postage? If not, won't sellers just make their item really cheap and their postage really expensive so that the 10% is applied to the smaller amount? I can't imagine this would be very enticing for buyers, but I feel like some may try it.

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Good news for Ebay Sellers? Amazon to block its US website for Aussies

GST in Australia, like eBay's fees, is based on the total amount of the transaction.


It is a GOODS and SERVICES tax.


It certainly wouldn't help the seller, as the GST is levied on the buyer, but it could help the buyer for a $A999 purchase. I doubt too many sellers would be tempted anyway. If they're US or UK based they probably use the GSP. And, like the GSP, they have no idea of what additional charges are being levied on the buyer.

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Good news for Ebay Sellers? Amazon to block its US website for Aussies

That would mean trying to pass tax laws that apply to international consumers, which would be a bit more difficult than the extension of GST on to international purchases, despite the fact that it's involving international sellers. More specifically, the Australian government creating a law that says they're allowed to tax citizens of other countries, and the government of that country going, ''ok".


If that ever happens, (one country creating laws for citizens of another country) the precedent it sets could be quite interesting. 



Digi, that's exactly what the US-Australia trade deal was going to do.


The US was expecting us to change our law to mirror theirs in at least one key area.


We were required to adopt the US system of copyright which would have been horrendous.


Notably, that would have enabled US drug companies to keep extending patents just as they do in the US.


This would have said bye bye to low cost generics.


It would also have allowed digital pirates to be prosecuted under US law (and in the US courts too if I remember correctly).


I had visions of a spotty teenager shacking up with Bubba in San Quentin!


I don't like Trump overly much but I was really happy that he canned that stinker of a deal.


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Good news for Ebay Sellers? Amazon to block its US website for Aussies

getting back to why this whole GST on imported goods began, it was back when the Aussie dollar and the US dollar were at parity meaning a buyer could buy an iem outside australia on say ebay at a much better price and have it delivered to their house still at a better price than aussie sellers could do.


its my view since the dollar has fallen back to 75cents to the US1$ thats not the case so much now.


buyers wont import something they can buy locally cheaper or even for the same price in my view.

they buy items you cant get locally.

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