31-05-2018 01:59 PM - edited 31-05-2018 01:59 PM
on 01-06-2018 07:00 PM
@the_2nd_zoo wrote:
I think GST should be charged to OS buyers as the package is transported over our roads to the airport and they should pay.
That would mean trying to pass tax laws that apply to international consumers, which would be a bit more difficult than the extension of GST on to international purchases, despite the fact that it's involving international sellers. More specifically, the Australian government creating a law that says they're allowed to tax citizens of other countries, and the government of that country going, ''ok".
If that ever happens, (one country creating laws for citizens of another country) the precedent it sets could be quite interesting.
on 01-06-2018 07:25 PM
Isn't "may you live in interesting times" a curse?
on 01-06-2018 08:33 PM
It's certainly used that way nowadays - a sort-of equivocal curse, I suppose.
It was apparently floating about in the 1930s, being touted by Joseph Chamberlain's son as a Chinese curse. (No Chinese person to whom I've spoken about this has ever heard of it.) It gained widespread currency when it was used by Robert F. Kennedy. When it comes to curses, I think book curses are among the most terrifying, though!
Quem si quis abstulerit
Morte moriatur in sartagine coquatur
caducus morbus instet eum et febres · et rotatur et suspendatur. Amen.
If anyone take away [this book],
let him die the death; let him be fried in a pan,
let the falling sickness and fever sieze him · let him be rotated [broken on the wheel] and hanged. Amen.
I'm as protective of my books as anyone, but even so... fried in a pan and tortured on a breaking wheel is not something I'd wish on anyone.
01-06-2018 11:55 PM - edited 01-06-2018 11:57 PM
I certainly wouldn't advocate it for just stealing a book.
For destroying one...
A good one, that is. I have been guilty of destroying books by reading them. My current copy of The Lord of the Rings is my 6th. The rest died of overuse.
on 02-06-2018 12:09 AM
I had a wonderful set of Lord of the Rings in my car when it was stolen. The car was recovered; the books never were.
on 02-06-2018 10:11 AM
The ACCC stipulates that any advertised pricing, where the targetted buyer is based in Australia, MUST be the final price to the buyer. That is to say it is not permissable to advertise an item for sale at a price but at the payment stage add the GST cost. I wonder how EBay will cope with this?
02-06-2018 02:37 PM - edited 02-06-2018 02:38 PM
@porcelain_dolls_by_me wrote:The ACCC stipulates that any advertised pricing, where the targetted buyer is based in Australia, MUST be the final price to the buyer. That is to say it is not permissable to advertise an item for sale at a price but at the payment stage add the GST cost. I wonder how EBay will cope with this?
In some cases (it's not mandatory in all cases, eg wholesale suppliers usually display pricing less GST, though I doubt eBay could be considered a wholesale website).
The issue in this case is the final price is going to depend on varying factors, so the final payment total can really only be determined at checkout stage. If I go into an Aussie B&M and purchase a trolley full of goods, where I live, where I'm taking those items, and how much they are worth in total, is not going to change what I have to pay for them, but it will with the international GST rules.
GST will only apply to purchases <$1000, as goods valued over that will be handled the same way they always have been, so if I buy one $600 item, eBay will charge GST, but if I buy two $600 items (from the same seller), eBay won't charge GST (or shouldn't). If I use a forwarding service and supply an address located in the US, eBay won't charge GST, but they will if I use an Australian address, so the GST component is only calculable in the final stages of the purchase. (The GST will still apply at some point if you use a forwarding service - the new laws have a specific provision for it).
Not sure how it's going to be handled when the GSP is involved, though. I'm guessing eBay will handle it all if the goods are under $1k, and Pitney Bowes will handle it if it's over, but there's been no mention of it that I've seen as yet.
on 02-06-2018 02:46 PM
I ran out of time to edit this into my post...
I wonder if this will improve eBay's currency conversions? Or what the fall out of drastic inaccuracies will be (and by drastic, I mean a purchase that converts to under $1k by ebay's initial calculation, but the buyer pays over after all is said and done. You can't pay two different currencies at once with PayPal (as far as I know), so if the price is in USD, you'd end up paying GST in USD I guess, and a currency conversion fee on it as well. Fun!
on 03-06-2018 01:35 PM
on 03-06-2018 04:41 PM
@djavusydney wrote:
I would be worry though. Even can't buy in US site, Amazon USA has created a store in Amazon AU as if third party seller and has its previous export enabled items appearing in AU site. Items are more accessible that way rather than buyer goes to US site. Not good for local competition.
The Amazon AU site is rubbish in comparison with the US and UK sites.