on 17-12-2012 04:24 PM
Gotta Love Christmas time on ebay
5 Items with non payers & 0 Communaction!!!!
All with strikes!! 1 Member alone 3 strikes fantsic why do I bother??!!!!
on 17-12-2012 04:26 PM
The joys of school holidays 😞
on 17-12-2012 05:37 PM
Lucky you garfield, Ive just counted mine at 21 disputes running at the moment. Its just part of the game now, and doesnt bother me anymore. The first thing each morning I do now is open and close disputes, it becomes enriching after a while:-)
on 17-12-2012 06:42 PM
Lucky you garfield, Ive just counted mine at 21 disputes running at the moment. Its just part of the game now, and doesnt bother me anymore. The first thing each morning I do now is open and close disputes, it becomes enriching after a while🙂
(coffee splatter on screen)
Have to admit,I felt exactly same way when I was selling-sort of like KAPOW take that you tadpole non payer !! :^O:^O:^O
on 17-12-2012 07:33 PM
I have 3 disputes at the moment and still waiting for another 6 or 7 to pay still. Probably put in a few more NPB's in the next couple of days.
on 17-12-2012 08:13 PM
on 17-12-2012 09:30 PM
Hi Kopen, I removed my blocks a while ago, which was the best thing since sliced bread. Having five pages of potential buyers trying to buy (on one ID) contained enough merit to revert our settings. Our sales definitely improved from day one of removing those blocks, and I really cant say that the non payers have increased. Although it was 21 NPB's this morning, it really is a low percentage in comparison to the quantity of sales:-)
on 17-12-2012 09:34 PM
SNAP Cathy - I have 3 as well. Mind you I am not complaining (much) since I started in April only 2 total non payers who received strikes, so not too bad. Also, think everyone loses track of everything at Xmas, so trying real hard to be understanding with the 3 I have now. :8}
on 17-12-2012 10:09 PM
on 17-12-2012 10:32 PM
Received this email from a buyer 5 mins after the auction ended today:
"not interested the ring looks to decieving,i thought it was bigger then what is was but because of the design. Also thought it was new, but looks second hand. any way would like to apoligize, but not interested thank you."
And she's a seller as well! Gotta love Christmas lol.