on 11-05-2013 07:35 PM
Now can I add a short mivie into my listing. The movie is only a few seconds long. It is in my camera and also on Photobucket.
Thanks for your help in advance Ross
on 11-05-2013 07:54 PM
You will have to upload it to another site, YouTube is probably the easiest, as eBay won't allow embedded video from Photobucket (I've included the policy below, with a full list of sites eBay do allow).
If you upload to YouTube, you have to then click on 'Share' (on the video page), then select 'Embed' to generate the code - you may have to tick 'Use old embed code'. Paste that code in the HTML tab of the listing description.
The policies
Embedded video in a listing provided it complies with the following requirements:
The video must conform to all eBay policies, including but not limited to:
The seller must be the owner of the underlying rights, including intellectual property rights, or authorised to distribute it by the owners of such rights
The video may not solicit off-site transactions or prohibited payment methods such as Western Union
The video may not include software that harms or interferes with the viewer’s machine (for example, a virus or spyware), uses it for malicious or unauthorised purposes, or violates the buyer’s privacy
The video must deliver the content in flash animation format and be hosted by a site that takes strong measures to provide safe content. In an attempt to safeguard eBay members, based on current technologies and current eBay marketplace requirements, sellers may only embed video from:
on 11-05-2013 09:25 PM
Thanks digital.
on 11-05-2013 10:23 PM
I can't get it to work. Tried the correct way and all other ways