on 15-11-2012 11:06 PM
Lol, i was just doing a search in Stamps > Postal History......
53,135 listings in that one category...
when I clicked AUSTRALIA ONLY ....109 listings
hmmm I wonder what chance the Australian seller has of being found among all that if a lot of Australian buyers don't know they can isolate the rest of the world to see what is on offer locally by clicking Australia Only . ???
I hate to think what it is like in say a clothing section or handbags etc.
on 15-11-2012 11:50 PM
Try the book section:-(
on 15-11-2012 11:54 PM
I hate to think what it is like in say a clothing section or handbags etc.
The ratio of local to overseas items in clothing aren't as bad as that, but they still vastly outnumber local listings. I had a look last night, and in a relatively general search (I used 'blue dress'), I got 25k results, 3k for Oz only.
I was interested because I've had a noticeable downturn in clothing sales recently. While I've had slow weeks etc, it's odd because I'd still turn over much the same amount from month to month until recently. My other category, is quite steady, which is surprising since jewellery is even more flooded than clothing, and with much cheaper listings than mine.
The only thing you can really do is help people make more effective and refined searches if/when the opportunity arises.
on 16-11-2012 01:15 AM
If you're after books, look for "In Stock in Australia" in the title. 😉
on 16-11-2012 09:05 AM
The other thing that was GLARINGLY obvious was that the BIN items took up the first 3 pages [without clicking on Auction only naturally].
The BIN items do not show an ending time nor date so how do we know that these BIN items are actually ending prior to the first Auction Item that shows up ?????
on 16-11-2012 10:28 AM
The BIN items do not show an ending time nor date so how do we know that these BIN items are actually ending prior to the first Auction Item that shows up ?????
Choose ending soonest instead of best match.
on 16-11-2012 02:58 PM
I've looked for books, and selected 'Australia Only' and STILL ended up with item location on listings 'UK, US to Australia'.
on 16-11-2012 03:00 PM
on 18-11-2012 11:13 PM
Foxy I was clicking Ending Soonest....& unless I clicked Australia Only, then the Auctions Only tab I was still seeing pages & pages of BIN items [with no ending time in site on any of them].
on 19-11-2012 12:31 PM
You might find this facebook post interesting (on eBay's page) http://www.facebook.com/eBay.com.au/posts/539490159411727?notif_t=like
Strange that we can not communicate with eBay on here, but we can on facebook and twitter.