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Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

It used to cost me $3.60 to send a small item about a month ago.

I looked at the new postage calculator and the cheapest parcel cost is $6.95.


Am i missing something or is that true,is it now double the price?


That means that if i send a small video game that is just a bit bigger than letter requirements which has a max price of $3.00, that i now have to pay a minimum of $7 to send a lousy small video game that weighs less than 500g and over 2cm thick.


I cant ask people to pay that much for postage on such a small item, WTF, its not possible.


$3.60 seemed too high now $7.


I thought Auspost made record profits last year and now this, i thought they were a government business there not to make mega profits, just a resonable return for the gov.


But recently the government lost 17billion dollars in GST revenue because the price of electricity and how it stopped people spending and put the price of goods everywhere up, stopping people spending even more to the tune of $17billion dollars GST TAX LOST.


Now Auspost has put up their prices even more even though they went up recently, which will proberly result in an extra return For auspost of 100million this year extra in profits, But increase in postage prices will result in less spending on internet shops like ebay because postage prices are to high meaning the government will loose about $2billion, $6billion or even $17billion less Gst revenue  from this postal increase.


meaning Auspost gets an extra $100million profit but the government loses billions in gst tax because postage price are unsustainable forcing people to spend less on goods online or buy from overseas which is sometimes free or way cheaper.


a net loss of -$16.900billion in GST by the gov just from Postage price rises alone estimated.

plus what ever Gst is lost because electricity prices are still high and havnt been fixed.


Wow i thought the government knew the 101 basics of economy, Have utilities and service like electricty and postal costs as low as possible to keep a robust strong econmy,high prices of these thing results in what happened with the $17billion dolars lost gst because people just stopped spending. they are putting more and more money into paying bills and not much left to spend on goods and food. fear of the next bill stops spending too.


is the government really this stupid, a Five year old knows that if electricty and other services are to expensive people people have less money to spend on goods. just the fear alone of higher electricty price rises stops people spending.People when they see someone charging $15 to send a  $12 teddybear will not buy it, they will see the cheaper overseas seller offering cheaper post and the gov looses GST.


i predict the imminent collapses of the entire Australian economy if these two things aren't fixed, postage back down and subsidize electricity costs. would the government rather that auspost make $100million dollars extra this year in proffit or loose billions in gst revenue, im not sure its a tough one, loose billions or have a more profitable postal service.


I work in retail so i speak to people and its tough, people are not spending,when i speak to them they tell me they dont have much money to buy things after paying electricity, and now postal costs will stop spending on online products within Australia even more. shops are closing everywhere,look at all the vacant shops at your local shopping centre, its dire.


People will buy things from the US who offer free postage sometimes and the government misses out on GST revenue, how can i as a seller compete against overseas sellers when their postal costs are cheaper than sending an item within Australia, How???????



I hope the economy doesnt collapse but it will unless what every politician is taught from day one, keep services and utilities as cheap as possible,the higher the more likely the economy will grind to a halt because the costs are to high for businesses to sustain,less spending, like how it is in a stalled position right at this very second.


cheers, chris



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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Honored Contributor


Ha! Yeah, once I marked a package as 'fragile - with care' and the postal lady said 'Oh sorry, we don't have that service.'


She was serious! 😄


Of course she was serious.....AP do not offer a Fragile service and have not for many years.

This is the reason that you need to pack so well.  Packages should be packed well enough that they can withstand 20 kg being dropped on them from shoulder height.

And basically the same goes for couriers, although the drop is not so high. Most courier companies have their freight moving belts at waist height.

Message 31 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Community Member

Australia Post would need to be pretty confident in their own packaging products but does anyone think the newer style 'brown' boxes are more flimsy than the old style white BC, BM, BT etc?? I just thought the old white ones seemed sturdier but it might be my imagination...

Message 32 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your views and feedback around our postage prices.


I can understand why you would be disappointed that prices have been increased. This occurred on 8 April with the introduction of our new Product Set. Our new products have been developed with a very high consideration on customer feedback; tracking with all parcels lodged over the counter at the post office was launched as a result of this.


We know that price increases can present a challenge and take the decision to raise our prices very seriously. Like all businesses, Australia Post is operating in a challenging business environment with increasing external costs – particularly related to delivery, transport and energy. We deliver to more than 11 million addresses and must expand our capacity to deliver to an additional 200,000 addresses each year. To achieve this we continually reduce our operating costs, improve the efficiency of our network, adjust our prices and enhance our products.


I would like to clarify that while Australia Post is wholly government owned, we are not a tax payer funded company. We receive no allocation of funds from the Australia government. Rather we return funds to the Australia government (and the Australian community) through the payment of an annual dividend and the payment of taxes.


Current postage pricing is available on our website; you can use the Online Postage Calculator via the link below to determine postage costs and estimated timeframes for delivery. All pricing will be based upon the size and weight of the item. Please be sure to choose the “I’m sending a document” option when sending documents only to reflect the correct pricing for our letter service.


Kind regards,


Melanie W.

Australia Post

Message 33 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Kyjati wrote: Then I go to post an item as large letter which is soft and squishy, and fits through the slot fine (I have a slot thingy at home to check before posting) but stickler says it must "fall" through the hole......


Here's what I do to overcome the AP pedant -take 2 flat pieces of cardboard to the PO and if the clerk says 'The Computer says NO' (or it doesn't fall thru the slot) just say 'Wait a second!' and go outside - put your item between the cardboards, and under the wheel of your car. Don't have a car? - better still, you're saving money already! - put it under someone else's car.;-) Needless to say...don't try this with breakables.:O


Take your slot to the counter too - one clerk told me that my old slot was worn and then we had quite a dispute, we took turns shoving my item thru each other's slots to the amusement of the every lengthening queue. At one stage she shouted 'You pushed it!' .... 'No- it fell on it's own!'  (turning to the queue) - 'Didn't it??' 😮


Buy a digital scales - I did - on eBay



Message 34 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me



Take your slot to the counter too - one clerk told me that my old slot was worn and then we had quite a dispute, we took turns shoving my item thru each other's slots to the amusement of the every lengthening queue. At one stage she shouted 'You pushed it!' .... 'No- it fell on it's own!'  (turning to the queue) - 'Didn't it??' 😮





Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 35 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Kyjati wrote: Then I go to post an item as large letter which is soft and squishy, and fits through the slot fine (I have a slot thingy at home to check before posting) but stickler says it must "fall" through the hole......


Here's what I do to overcome the AP pedant -take 2 flat pieces of cardboard to the PO and if the clerk says 'The Computer says NO' (or it doesn't fall thru the slot) just say 'Wait a second!' and go outside - put your item between the cardboards, and under the wheel of your car. Don't have a car? - better still, you're saving money already! - put it under someone else's car.;-) Needless to say...don't try this with breakables.:O







My brother did that ONCE with a packet of biscuits that I needed 'crushed' for a recipe ie he rolled car back & forth over packet to the point the biscuits almost turned into atom particles-it works,trust me :O:O:O

Message 36 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Kyjati wrote: Then I go to post an item as large letter which is soft and squishy, and fits through the slot fine (I have a slot thingy at home to check before posting) but stickler says it must "fall" through the hole......


Here's what I do to overcome the AP pedant -take 2 flat pieces of cardboard to the PO and if the clerk says 'The Computer says NO' (or it doesn't fall thru the slot) just say 'Wait a second!' and go outside - put your item between the cardboards, and under the wheel of your car. Don't have a car? - better still, you're saving money already! - put it under someone else's car.;-) Needless to say...don't try this with breakables.:O


Take your slot to the counter too - one clerk told me that my old slot was worn and then we had quite a dispute, we took turns shoving my item thru each other's slots to the amusement of the every lengthening queue. At one stage she shouted 'You pushed it!' .... 'No- it fell on it's own!'  (turning to the queue) - 'Didn't it??' 😮


Buy a digital scales - I did - on eBay




I have pulled put and used  digital Vernier calipers more than once




.... to test the attendant's slot for wear .............. what a shock 😮


it was only a tad over 19mm..... 


it was a bit "taint" ( taint big enough)


as opposed to twill (twill fit a bigger envelope)


....  undersized AP counter slots.,..... X-(


.... the audacity 😐

atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 37 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Foxette wrote:  My brother did that ONCE with a packet of biscuits that I needed 'crushed' for a recipe ie he rolled car back & forth over packet to the point the biscuits almost turned into atom particles-it works,trust me 


That's all very well .... but did they 'fall' thru the slot ...or did ya have to push 'em? ;\

Or did ya have to sniff 'em??:|

Message 38 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

Kyjati wrote: Then I go to post an item as large letter which is soft and squishy, and fits through the slot fine (I have a slot thingy at home to check before posting) but stickler says it must "fall" through the hole......


Here's what I do to overcome the AP pedant -take 2 flat pieces of cardboard to the PO and if the clerk says 'The Computer says NO' (or it doesn't fall thru the slot) just say 'Wait a second!' and go outside - put your item between the cardboards, and under the wheel of your car. Don't have a car? - better still, you're saving money already! - put it under someone else's car.;-) Needless to say...don't try this with breakables.:O


Take your slot to the counter too - one clerk told me that my old slot was worn and then we had quite a dispute, we took turns shoving my item thru each other's slots to the amusement of the every lengthening queue. At one stage she shouted 'You pushed it!' .... 'No- it fell on it's own!'  (turning to the queue) - 'Didn't it??' 😮


Buy a digital scales - I did - on eBay




OMG that is just about the funniest thing I've read in ages! My PO guy is going to love it when I relay that to him!


Too funny OP :^O

Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
Message 39 of 46
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Re: Has Aus Post Gone Crazy or is it me

 Arnl7178 wrote:

OMG that is just about the funniest thing I've read in ages! My PO guy is going to love it when I relay that to him!


I just hope they don't identify me! My PO has the nicest manager at present, the nice guys are in short order and are always moved along eventually. 


You would think that having posted a thousand parcels a year for 30 years at the same PO would earn you some respect but no, everything has to be weighed again, even though it's all listed on my mailing statement - right down to the gram - every single item has to go back on the scales - not easy with all the bling stuff around. 


Most of my parcels are not eBay and in the busy winter period I have had from 5 to 20 parcels, most days of the week, from large cartons to small items.


Before I had my scales, I used to carry tape and scissors to the counter as I battled my way thru the cheap-as-chips stuff and then, if an item was even ONE GRAM over I would whip out me scissors and snip off a piece of the parcel. A little more I would have to open the bag and remove a garment label or something.



On cartons over 15kg there may be a difference in a few grams between their scales and mine - tear off some cardboard, borrow their scissors and tape, but please don't cause havoc and hold up the queue!X-( 


There is one person still there who was making my life miserable all those years ago and she's still ambitious in that regard. "The computer says NO!"]:) 


Nowadays I just wait in the queue until the sensible one is free.:8}  


You observe a lot while standing in the queue and it really upsets me to see the shock on customers faces when I know a bit of help and advice would save them a few dollars - it almost looks sadistic sometimes - and I am really tempted to say "Give me your parcel Missus and I will pack it for you".

These are the people the new postage calculator are going to hurt.:|

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