on 05-04-2013 05:58 PM
From AP facebook page:
postage prices for eBay / Australia Post flat rate products will increase from Monday 15 April 2013. Postage for the 500g satchel will increase from to $7.15 and postage for the 3kg satchel will increase from to $11.70. Postage for the flat rate boxes will be $7.15 for Bx1 box, $11.70 for Bx2 box and $15.05 for Bx4 box. The cost of packaging for these products is not changing.
on 05-04-2013 11:38 PM
SP registered post is being phased out for parcels - in the new "improved" parcel system it will be letters only.
You can only use pre-paid labels with old pre-change satchel stock apparently.
on 06-04-2013 02:09 AM
What a joke! When I spoke to the C&S representative a couple of days ago he said that there are no price changes coming soon as we will have AMPLE notice should anything change! LOL! What a joke!
on 06-04-2013 05:55 AM
curraone you are right I can see what you mean.. I am thinking somewhere is a typo.. The eBay accouncement says Bx4.. so I am really not sure.
on 06-04-2013 06:08 AM
I have asked for clarification as to which box it includes over on their facebook page.
on 06-04-2013 07:37 AM
I have emailed a number of federal ministers (both Labor and opposition) about these price increases. Small businesses are a very important part of the Australian economy and should be supported, not continually attacked
on 06-04-2013 09:26 AM
on 06-04-2013 10:14 AM
This doesn't just impact "business" and "families"
I toyed with getting back into ebay/posting to help me declutter and it is also a means to keep items out of landfill. The cost of packing/mailing needs to be relative. Keep bumping parcel costs and I think more items will end up in landfill as it just won't be worth the effort/expense
Back to the drawing board/brain storming for me I think!
on 06-04-2013 10:33 AM
higher postage prices affect everyone in some way
Anything that encourages people to spend their money overseas, rather than with Australians is not good for the economy or the country.
on 07-04-2013 08:36 AM
Don't forget every vote counts both buyers and sellers are going to be affected buy this in a big way
on 07-04-2013 10:33 AM
C&S prices have remained the same since it's inception so I don't know why anyone is surprised the prices have gone up. If they had instigated a small rise each time other costs went up it would probably be more now and people wouldn't be complaining nearly as loud.