on 24-03-2014 09:47 AM
Hello, I have sold goods for an Opportunity Shop I work on here before for but have always paid the full fee. I saw on here not long ago that you can sell for charity but I now cannot find where I saw it. Can you tell me how I go about it please. I would appreciate any help from you.
Thank You Kindest Regards Brenda Chessum.
on 24-03-2014 10:55 AM
Brenda, you can get most information from checking the site map, bottom of any page, or by clicking on customer support, top right, and typing in what you want.
on 24-03-2014 10:59 AM
If you look at the right hand top of this page you'll see: My eBay, followed by Sell.
Hover the mouse over Sell and scroll down to Sell for Charity