29-03-2016 10:02 AM - edited 29-03-2016 10:05 AM
Was not sure whether to put this in Buying or Selling, but there seem to be more Ebay gurus here.
I would like to search within a particular category for a percentage when it is used in the heading or the body of the listing, (e.g. 75%).
No matter how I do it, the search results come back with EVERYTHING that has 75 anywhere in the listing, so the great God Cassini is ignoring the % and I get multi thousands of results, none of which have the specific term 75%.
Putting "75%" in quotation marks does not work. I have tried searching for 75% or "75%" in combination with a number of other words which would almost never be used in that category, but with the same unuseable results.
Any help will be much appreciated.
29-03-2016 10:07 AM - edited 29-03-2016 10:09 AM
Try 75 + %?
Nah, that didn't work either. Not sure about this one.
on 29-03-2016 10:10 AM
What is the context of the 75% you are searching for, 75% off or 75% strength, etc?
on 29-03-2016 10:14 AM
75% off?
on 29-03-2016 10:16 AM
try: 75 percent
on 29-03-2016 10:31 AM
Forget the %. Just type- 75 off.
on 29-03-2016 10:59 AM
Have you tried using subtraction signs (hyphens) to eliminate some options?
e.g. 75% -subtract -every -irrelevant -term -that -is -not -useful -in -your -search
29-03-2016 11:02 AM - edited 29-03-2016 11:03 AM
As far as I know, all symbols / characters (that aren't search instructions) are treated as blank spaces by ebay, so it's impossible to conduct a search on them (you can confirm this by conducting a search on just the % symbol, you won't actually get any search results, ebay will just take you to the "all categories" list).
Try a search via google, that might work - you can instruct google to only search eBay AU, like this
site:eBay.com.au "75%"
You can add the category-specific URL to that to narrow it down, as the main URL will search all of eBay.
on 29-03-2016 11:25 AM
Thanks to all for your help so far,
No, it is not 75% off or minus 75% or similar,
The listings I am searching for will have the simple term 75% somewhere in the listing (relating to the percentage of one ingredient in the compound).
on 29-03-2016 11:34 AM
Thanks digi,
I have tried the Google search with your string and do get a small number of hits, but only one in the category I am after.
By adding "-off" I eliminate the results where the 75% is a discount.
Maybe little old me will have to accept that Ebay's search structure hates me...