How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

Seller is allowed to sell counterfeit dvds from China,with Ebay doing nothing about it. Is this allowed?

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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

A long, long, long time ago their was a reply to ebay allowing fakes to be sold.


I can't find the reply so will have to use my own words but it was something along the lines of "we cannot prove anyone is selling fakes and it is up to the buyers to make a claim if they purchase fakes.


ebay does not have the time and staff needed to verify every product that is listed everyday on ebay."

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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

First, you can't name and shame on the forums. Second, how are they counterfeit? (asking genuine question..........I have no idea how to pick a fake DVD unless it's blatant)

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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

Naturally ebay can't do anything until they are made aware of it. They cannot vet millions of listings.

Every listing has a report function.

However it is still difficult for ebay to prove the items are fake without having them in their hands.

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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

Unfortunately, your not allowed to name & shame on here. The ID will be removed soon. Yes, they  do appear to be dodgy. Avoid buying anything from them and report them to ebay. That is about all you can do. 😞 Sad but True.

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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

Community Member




The best way to stop a fake is to contact the company that makes the real DVD's.


A call from Sony or whoever to ebay is much more likely to get a response than one person.



Message 6 of 11
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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

I seem to remember not to long ago a website called megaupload. They couldn't check all the customer uploads either. I am fairly sure the owner is jail now.

Message 7 of 11
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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

First, you can't name and shame on the forums. Second, how are they counterfeit? (asking genuine question..........I have no idea how to pick a fake DVD unless it's blatant)

Sheep, the DVD in question is the final season (season 7) of Sons of Anarchy which only just finished on US TV a couple of weeks ago (I DLed & watched it each week from a US torrents site) and it's not even available legitimately on DVD yet. In addition, have a look at the front cover, where the subtitle of the show is listed as "Teh Sopranos of the next century" (yes, "The" is actually spelled "Teh"!). Very obviously a counterfeit set of discs but being sold from Malaysia and at the wildly inflated price of A$59. You could probably buy it off the streets for under $10 if you actually lived there.


How do you pick if they're fakes? Well the fact that it's not yet legally available is a pretty good start, and typos on the covers are also a damn good indication, and if you were to watch it, you'd find the video and audio quality would be appalling. To be honest, I don't know why anybody would pay $59 for it when Season 7 is widely available from any number of torrents sites at no charge, and at full 1080p video resolution as well. Crikey, if I was so inclined, I could DL it myself at no cost and run off a few hundred copies and make an absolute killing (at least until eBay gave me the boot, which would likely take forever anyway).

Message 8 of 11
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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

Thanks CQ. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to stuff like that. I've never watched Sons of Anarchy either, so wasn't aware that the DVD's weren't available yet.

Message 9 of 11
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How long has Ebay turned a blind eye to sellers who sell counterfeit dvds

It was a bloody brilliant show, sheepy, and I'm really sorry it's now finished. They haven't even started showing season 7 on Australian TV yet, but those who watch the show should be advised not to miss a single one of the 13 episodes. The last couple are absolutely gut-wrenching and will leave those who watch them absolutely gobsmacked.
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