How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

I have to admit I have made a few mistakes in the last few days. The worst was taking a $100 international item to the post office for pack & track. It was in my pile of large letters and although I mentioned it to the PO staff, we both forgot to earmark it. Short story is it got a $2.10 Australian delivery only sticker and is on its way to who knows where. ( makes you all feel better now doesnt it ? ) I,ve had a couple of other whoops moments lately too. That got me thinking, how many listings can people keep up with before the mistakes start to happen ? I know a couple of months ago ebay where giving away lots of free listings and I put up 570 auctions to finish over a seven day spread. They had lots of interest, lots of questions, combined purchases spread over the full week period, buyers paying for orders then buying more, numerous international sales etc.  etc. It was a total mess and took nearly a week after the auctions closed to collate all of the orders and sort everything out. Around 350 auctions is about all I can handle at any one time on top of my normal BINS. I also make occasional listing & storage errors etc. with the BINS and would not want any more than I currently have as things would turn from relative order to chaos very quickly. Has anyone else got a story to tell about pushing the ebay envelope just a bit too much ? .

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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

We have around 200 listings spread across 3x IDs.

At the moment that is only producing about 10 mailouts per day. That amount is easy to operate with.

It's the mailing that is the workload for us.


We were handling about 35 mailing packages per day just in the runup to Xmas last year no worries at all.


We have just myself and partner working together on this so together we think we could handle up to around 50 packages per day before we might need to consider hiring some help.


For our stuff we can average about 10-12 packages per hour on the making up and packing side.


But I think it will heavily depend on the kind of stuff your are dealing with as to how much you can reasonably handle.

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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

I have a few over 1000 listed, but a good month is 60 sales, so the postage part is easy.


I reckon I could handle around 10 sales a day with no problems, but time (picking and packing and doing the Admin stuff) would be the constraint for more.


Unless I got to 50 a day and could go fulltime, but I would run out of stock in 3 weeks.

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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

I have around 270 listings (500+ items if you count all available variations) on eBay, and the last couple of months I have found myself making a couple of rookie errors. Smiley Embarassed I'm getting a little better at some things, but I've also recently made a couple of big orders for new stock, so I might have to cut down on some of the daily, extra curricular activities I mentioned a while ago (daydreaming and freaking out Smiley LOL ). 


Unfortunately, more than once I've failed to notice that someone has purchased 2 x an item and only sent them one, thankfully each time the buyer has contacted me and been very nice about the oversight, and I've mailed out the missing items straight away with a little extra to compensate. I also had my first stock-keeping error last week. I counted how many I had left of two different variations in a listing - one had 3 the other had 4 - and then when I updated the quantities, I entered them the wrong way around without realising until the one that had 3 sold 4, I sent the buyer the last remaining quantity I had, plus a mix of other variations, as well as refunding all the money paid for it. 


Then there's one very lovely buyer who for some reason keeps buying from me even though I've stuffed up their orders more than once by forgetting to include something.... Smiley Embarassed  The other week, I was meant to send some extra components and stuff, made sure I had them but forgot to include them, then when I went to pack them up in a second package, realised I'd bought one of them in the wrong size, so it took three packages to finish one order. Smiley Embarassed  Smiley Embarassed >_>


I have a further 50-odd listings so far on another site, and a couple of weeks ago I got an order for something - on the other site, I named two items that were borne from the same design the same thing (well, the first two words anyway). So when I got the item sold email, I very foolishly saw the name and got it in my head the order was for item A instead of item B. I sent the buyer (in the UK) item A, then when I went to relist the item I realised my error... So, had to send them item B, let them know the right item would arrive a day or two behind, and of course said they could keep item A. 




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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

I suspect the extracurricular stuff is possibly the issue.


I'm a word that I can't say that means almost obsessive compulsive, so I double check everything. Which is fine with my current sales levels.

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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

@davewil1964 wrote:

I suspect the extracurricular stuff is possibly the issue.



Possibly Smiley Tongue I do enjoy a little bit of a panic, but I can multi-task (somewhat) and generally do that while I'm working Smiley LOL - the craft supplies aside, most of my stuff requires at least some assembly before posting, so on a busy day I can spend several hours doing that, and sometimes I try to zoom through the other admin stuff so that everything still gets out within 24 hours (except on weekends, when I can indulge in a work-free daydream on occasion Smiley Very Happy ).


Admittedly, I do sometimes distract myself with the forums in between finishing up what's being posted that day and actually making the trip to the post office, but I've tried to make things a bit easier for myself by setting up an area where I have a bunch of popular items that were packaged in my spare time. The stock issue was something of an anomaly, as I tend to list 10-20% less than what I actually have to avoid overselling (and just in case I need to replace a lost or faulty item, plus occasionally I'll throw in an extra piece or two when packing larger orders and I don't want to have to continually update), so I will only update a quantity if I get to the last in stock and do still have some available. 


At least I've now learned to read payment notifications / sales records properly. 




At least, as far as I know - mistake-free for abut 8 days. Smiley Embarassed 


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How many listings can sellers keep up with ?

Cookin with gas

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