10-01-2015 11:45 PM - edited 10-01-2015 11:47 PM
Suprised this has not been shared on the trading boards, just spotted it on Powersellers
Very useful tool IMO to check out most popular searches and items etc AND most of all to check out recent buyers purchases
May be helpful to some trading board regulars to assist others, but mainly very very useful if you want to see history of buyers bidding or buying from you
on 11-01-2015 12:16 AM
I'd only ever used that site to see how many watchers were on an item. I didn't know it had that feature, thanks!
11-01-2015 12:17 AM - edited 11-01-2015 12:18 AM
thats pretty good, but I can't think why one would use it? ...except to see I guess what the items might be that they have bought & left dodgy feedback for.. what else would it be useful for? and does it show private listings? ( that is, the purchase history feature)
11-01-2015 12:30 AM - edited 11-01-2015 12:32 AM
Its useful for the same reasons that eBay used to offer this search function for years, up until recently Lizzy.
You've been round the boards long enough to know how sellers and boardies may put it to use.
on 11-01-2015 06:21 AM
I may have been around a while but am none too clever.. I will think about it !
on 11-01-2015 12:02 PM
There are numerous uses that sellers can put it to.
For example, a buyer requesting a cancellation because they "accidently" purchased something.
A seller can check purchase history and spot if the buyer has actually purchased the goods from another seller for a lower price after they purchased their goods.
The seller can then make a more informed decision as to whether they send a cancellation or open an unpaid item, so that the buyers poor buying behaviour is not condoned for other sellers to have to put up with in the future.
More generally, the tool has some use in detecting what may be a scammer for example targeting phones or the likes, and of couse can be very helpful too when shilling is suspected.
on 11-01-2015 10:31 PM
@thecatspjs wrote:There are numerous uses that sellers can put it to.
For example, a buyer requesting a cancellation because they "accidently" purchased something.
A seller can check purchase history and spot if the buyer has actually purchased the goods from another seller for a lower price after they purchased their goods.
The seller can then make a more informed decision as to whether they send a cancellation or open an unpaid item, so that the buyers poor buying behaviour is not condoned for other sellers to have to put up with in the future.
More generally, the tool has some use in detecting what may be a scammer for example targeting phones or the likes, and of couse can be very helpful too when shilling is suspected.
I like that idea. I get very few requests for cancellations, but I think that would be a very useful option. Going to check out my last cancellation who said she had no money in her accounts! I've already cancelled and she immediately accepted, but now I'm curious.
on 11-01-2015 10:36 PM
I didn't know it had that function either. I only ever used it ot see
the number of watchers on an auction.
But I found out today, it won't give you any non-winning bidding history.
I would've liked to see what someone was bidding on, even if they didn't win.
on 11-01-2015 10:39 PM
My cancellation buyer has bought 36 items in the last 30-60(ish) days. I wonder if all those sellers got asked the cancel too? My item showed up. It was a $12.99 item. Some of her others were between $80 and $150! None the same as mine though.
on 11-01-2015 10:53 PM
You can see the purchases of private feedback buyers too
Helps to see if they left any recent norty negatives for sellers