How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

Hi everyone. Just wondering how to maximise the size of the images to show as their largest in search results. From reading eBay's help guides, the largest is 140 x 140 pixels. Thanks for any help.

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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I use photoshop and "crop to size" ie 400 x 400, which is pretty small really, but anything larger than that won't load. It doesn't matter I guess, just wondering why when ebay suggest a file size quite a bit larger than that around the 1000 x 1000 pixels or whatever those thingy's are called.


I use the Ebay download tool set to basic or standard. Maybe it's my 8 year old antique computer.... We have a huge moneybox for all our change and in another 8 years we might be able to afford to upgrade...LOL

Message 11 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

:^O I doubt it's your computer, since the Basic picture upload is designed to be used for older computers, from memory. You could try uploading them to a free hosting site like and using the Copy from Website tab in the photo gallery upload.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

eBay US picture requirements (or similar) are coming here later this year. Apparently we are going to get plenty of notice. I believe requirements are going to include no writing or advertising at all except for soft copywriter watermarks, no frames and I believe there is also going to be a minimum size requirement of around 1000 x1000. Plain white back grounds are either going to be a requirement or a recommendation.
Message 13 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I use turbolister and the recommended size therein for gallery pics is now 1600 wide. I just save my pics in that size and they load up fine.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I save mine as 750x550 (roughly) jpegs. They are very legible and only about 100kb.

Which means they load quickly.

Are you sure you're not using bitmap files, colleen? They could easily bump you over max size.

Message 15 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

Yes I agree with beading and gemboy.. eBay is moving towards recommending 1600 pix on largest size, particularly with the new supersize. That is what they were hightlighting at PESA as well, along with the white backgrounds.

Message 16 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I use turbolister and the recommended size therein for gallery pics is now 1600 wide. I just save my pics in that size and they load up fine.

Right now the maximum standard size of an eBay-hosted  image (supersize) is 800x800


If you upload at 1600 x 1600 then you are unloading 4 times as much data than you need to. That is a lot when you have lots of listings and photos to upload. Since you are already cropping and resizing anyway, there's no point in making it larger than the target resolution.


Ebay mainly recommends a larger image size because that gives some "margin" to crop and resize using the online editor. I don't use that (too slow) - I have all my images pre-prepared.


I never like letting any server resize my images - you never know what compromises are made in the resizing algoriths, especially when it's only a minor change (eg: 850 down to 800 pixels). Much better to upload at the required final size so that ebay doesn't touch the image quality.




It's much better now than it used to be - at least now days we can host images for free. In the olden days to avoid fees I used my "Own Hosting" for images, and that meant having to create and save multiple resolutions to suit the various different parts of the listing pages. I even had to make the small gallery pic and link to it off my own server.

Message 17 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I save mine as 750x550 (roughly) jpegs. They are very legible and only about 100kb.

You might as well increase that to 800 pixels on the longest side. By doing that, the whole frame is filled when the buyer clicks on "Enlarge" or "Zoom".


Not sure how ebay are going to make 1600 the new standard size... the most common computer screens are only 1080 pixels high, and after allowing for the Start Menu and Taskbar, plus window frames and title bars, there is probably only 900 to 850 pixels left anyway.


On this machine I run dual 23" monitors at 1920x1080 each, but because they are side-by-side I am still only getting the same 1080 pixels height of a single-screen setup. A 800 pixel image is pretty much filling the frame!


Mobile devices, tablet PCs, and laptops have nowhere near that many pixels! So, the image ends up having to be resized (by ebay or by user) or it ends up being massive and the user has to scroll to see the whole thing.


Anyway, we'll have no choice in the matter so we just have to go with the flow if and when it comes along.

Message 18 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I save mine as 750x550 (roughly) jpegs. They are very legible and only about 100kb.


Which means they load quickly.


Are you sure you're not using bitmap files, colleen? They could easily bump you over max size.


Also can saving an image as a .png file. The program that I use to crop and save images is IrfanView: It's free for individual use and you can choose to save it as its orignal size or a %. So, if a picture has a large file size, you can save it as 50% of its original size without much, if any loss in quality to make it faster to upload.

Message 19 of 21
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Re: How to get images to show as 140 x 140 in search results?

I use Paint. Does pretty much the same thing for simple rectangular shapes like books.

Message 20 of 21
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