on โ03-11-2015 10:37 AM
- If your sales are down, try to remove the Competition. (This is a plain business 101 fact ). I do not personally subscribe to this behaviour.
- Report any violation of ebay's wonderful world of Policies, no matter how small in order to get the competition suspended.
- I believe the Policing of Seller items is done by other sellers reporting said violations.
- I don't believe that eBay uses any dedicated software to guard against policy violations. (Provable)
- I believe that eBay is incapable of writing any such software. Only software that inventively takes as much Seller money as possible.
- I KNOW that OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software isn't being used on some offensive images.
- I believe eBay only wants your money and not your problems.
- In eBay, there are too many horizontal levels of management (another business 101 fact), because even if you can prove your case, there is a severe paucity of people with the testicular fortitude to make a decision against one already made.
- eBay's policy of calling back doesn't exist. I have tried on many occasions (this is against eBay's own policy).
- eBay is a Corporate Cash Cow that evades proper income taxation. (Look it up, it's also a fact)
- eBay thinks that animals don't have bones, that the holocaust never happened and there's no such thing as a Swastika (a sacred symbol in many religions) and Walrus' don't have teeth or skulls.
- I'm tired of arguing Australian Law with people who don't live and work here.
- Someone on these discussion boards said there is a protected seller status. I believe them. They openly flout many eBay policies.
- Many Sellers have delinquent Buyers. This is the only paradigm I'm familiar with that allows people to purchase and not pay for what they bought. Try this in the real world and see how far you get.
- If eBay is so conscientious about NOT buying eBay policy items, they must filter all item searches on eBay by removing the rest of the world.
- eBay WILL report your sales to the ATO whether you like it or not.
on โ03-11-2015 01:08 PM
Ebay refuses to suspend known scam sellers, what makes you think they will suspend someone for something minor?
on โ03-11-2015 03:21 PM
I will not argue the point over most of your points but I think you are unfair in your last point.
Ebay does not report your sales to the ATO out of spite or whatever reason you think....sales are reported to the ATO because the ATO demands it. The formal request is non-negotiable....ebay has to comply.
on โ08-11-2015 09:13 AM
on โ08-11-2015 01:53 PM
And you think ebay is going to argue with a formal request from the ATO?
They may do a lot of things that make very little sense but stupid they ain't.
Why would ebay want to lock horns with the ATO when the ATO will win every time.
If you don't like it you can always show your displeasure...don't use ebay to sell your items.
on โ08-11-2015 02:17 PM
@daddykool-123 wrote:
No, the ATO does not demand it.
It is a "formal request".
A formal request is NOT an order to comply.
My understanding is that a formal request for information issued by the ATO is indeed a "demand" (your word / not mine) and is supported by provisions in the relevant legislation.
There are grounds an individual or company can use to not to comply with a formal ATO information request, but they are fairly limited AFAIK.
on โ08-11-2015 02:22 PM
@daddykool-123 wrote:
- I don't believe that eBay uses any dedicated software to guard against policy violations. (Provable)
The eBay platform does indeed have bots operating to pick up at least some lsiting policy violations.
I have monitored them in real-time seconds / minutes after making listing errors - their origin ~ silicon valley
on โ11-11-2015 08:39 AM
@lyndal1838 wrote:And you think ebay is going to argue with a formal request from the ATO?
They may do a lot of things that make very little sense but stupid they ain't.
Why would ebay want to lock horns with the ATO when the ATO will win every time.
If you don't like it you can always show your displeasure...don't use ebay to sell your items.
eBay SHOULD argue with the ATO. There are many reasons for doing so, including, but not limited to Australian Privacy Laws. Further, they are the perfect medium for representing the rights of Sellers and eBay future business.
"They may do a lot of things that make very little sense but stupid they ain't." ???
There is no appropriate emoticon. I can prove they cannot dial a supplied phone number. What's your definition of stupid?
Initially, ATO "formal requests" began on sales of $20k upwards. Now it's $10k. Soon it'll be $5k. Eventually, ALL sales will be reported. I have previously reminded this forum that the "income from any other source" field must be reported on everyone's tax return. If you don't, you may be subject to prosecution by the taxman. Don't forget to declare the $3.53 you made selling Grandads false Faux-teeth.
"If you don't like it you can always show your displeasure...don't use ebay to sell your items."
There are so many things wrong with your comment, I'm surprised a Moderator didn't pick it up.
1. Inappropriate statement. You're telling me not to sell on eBay.
2. Have you seen my listings? (Zero as I write this), thanks to strict eBay policy policing.
on โ11-11-2015 09:31 AM
@daddykool-123 wrote:
2. Have you seen my listings? (Zero as I write this), thanks to strict eBay policy policing.
Thank goodness.....now you will not have any reason to complain about everything ebay does.
on โ11-11-2015 09:34 AM
@thecatspjs wrote:
@daddykool-123 wrote:
- I don't believe that eBay uses any dedicated software to guard against policy violations. (Provable)
The eBay platform does indeed have bots operating to pick up at least some lsiting policy violations.
I have monitored them in real-time seconds / minutes after making listing errors - their origin ~ silicon valley
1. The "bots" do not operate correctly. They should pick up ALL possible violations. The resultant possible offensive listings need to be verified by a human. If the listing violates eBay policy, then a simple email or phone call to change the offence within a reasonable time window is required.
2. You state that the "dedicated" software picks up some listing violations. "Some" is a number greater than 1 so perhaps it picked up 2.
2. Monitoring in real time seconds/minutes or hours proves only that something is "monitorable".
3. Silicon Valley holds no meaning to me. If you're suggesting that software written and/or running there can't be wrong, I respectfully disagree.