on โ18-06-2016 11:01 PM
I had a buyer buy 7 items tonight. She sent a request for total. Normally I'd just send the invoice with the reduced postage cost, but when I added up the weights, they might go a bit over 500g when packed. I sent her a message thanking her for buying and I would send her the invoice tomorrow once I'd packaged everything up and got an accurate weight and postage cost. I also said I wouldn't be able to post Monday due to having to go to the city. 10 minutes later, I got a notification on my phone, PAID.
THEN, a few minutes later she bid on another 3 items which finish tomorrow night. So, instead of paying (probably) $8.20, she's paid nearly $58. That means I've paid over $5 in fees for the postage instead of about 80c. Yes, I can refund the difference, but she's going to get a bit snakey if I keep the $5 for the fees she's caused me to pay. Then if I do what I'm supposed to do and post tomorrow nights item separately, she'll probably get even more snakey
Why would you send a request for total, then go ahead any pay anyway? Waste of her time, and a waste of my time sending the message saying I'd send it tomorrow. It's nearly 11pm, I wasn't going to start packaging everything up now just to send an invoice.
Rant over.
on โ18-06-2016 11:14 PM
on โ18-06-2016 11:18 PM
Yes you try hard. ebay does not make it easy/ go to help and contact and ebay will credit the 10% FVF to your account, but it is frustrating if they paid for the items individually.
Have a good night. Possibly when the other items finish or end them then send her an invoice and deduct the $5 of the other postage.
on โ18-06-2016 11:25 PM
She didn't pay for them individually, she paid in one transaction, just didn't wait for the postage reduction.
The other items she's bid on come to nearly the over payment. It's tempting to send her a message saying I am ending the items without sale and I'll send them with the others. EBay would still be getting their fees the same as if they sell at auction. I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning. At least that way I don't have to refund, she still gets the other items she wants and eBay still gets their fees.
on โ18-06-2016 11:35 PM
on โ19-06-2016 08:27 AM
We have done a partial refund before for overpaid postage. Did the partial refund via the PayPal transaction.
All I did to get my FVF back on the refunded part was to contact support via the live chat link.
They verified that I had indeed done the partial refund and then gave immediate credit for the fee component.
All too easy and only took a few minutes. No defects or other problems.
on โ19-06-2016 08:33 AM
I can understand your frustration, however I would be thinking GREAT I have made a few sales... there are lot of sellers who would love to have your predicament at the momentโฅ
As advised previously once you have refunded the $ for P&H simply call ebay CS and they will assist with a credit... I have done it before.
on โ19-06-2016 09:01 AM
i think its called 'buyer brain explosion'
the buyer becomes so excited apon buying an item their brains litteraly explode. for the next 24 hours they find themselves walking in circles, froffing at the mouth and doing hand stands.
other symptoms are as you described, sending out messages then ignoring the answers. buying more items. paying imediately without waiting for post reductions.
there is no cure however it seems to wear off eventually and some sufferers go into denial, messaging sellers with angry messages about why they paid so much more than they should have.
the poor seller is left trying to sort the whole mess out, sometimes causing a 'seller brain explosion'
its a vicious circle, take a bex and have a good lie down is best at this point.
on โ19-06-2016 09:11 AM
Forgetting the extra things she's bid on for the moment, if I have sales that are borderline for weight, rather than wait until I've packed everything I'll send the invoice for the higher amount (in your case a 3kg satchel if she's in a different state) and then tell them there's a chance it may only cost $X if it comes in under 500g, and if this is case I'll refund the difference. Much better to have them pay $12 total postage and have it end up being too much than risk having them pay $58 - if it comes in at under 500g you only have to refund around $4, and the fees would be fairly small. Most buyers wouldn't notice it if you kept 40c.
I usually deduct the fees I pay from overpaid postage before I refund, but where I know the weight will be borderline I figure the few cents I might pay in fees is worth it because I don't have to stress over the weights. In fact, sometimes if a buyer has already paid and the weight is only a few grams under the next category I deliberately pad things more to make it go up to the weight they paid for so that I don't have to fiddle around refunding, or I just tell the PO to charge the higher amount. I doubt buyers are likely to weigh their large letters. I must admit I haven't done that since postage went up and I rarely did it before, but there were occasions when it was the easiest solution.. My PO looks after me so it doesn't bother me if they get a few extra cents occasionally.
What bugs me about your buyer is that whatever you do you'll probably be rewarding her bad behaviour, but sometimes you don't have much choice. If I estimate postage and allow for the maximum it lessens the chance of them paying before I work out the exact postage.
on โ19-06-2016 11:34 AM
She sent me another message later saying she'd had a seniors moment and to just refund through PayPal (which made me think she's done this before). Then she said to wait as there might be other things she wants to buy. I have a 5 day handling time, so will still have to post the already paid for items, even if she keeps buying more.
I might send her another message and tell her how much the excess is and if she wants to buy more things up to that amount to do so, but not pay when I send the invoice. Then I can just include them in the other parcel. EBay still gets their fees because the transactions wouldn't be cancelled. I just can't be bothered getting on the phone to eBay. I have a slight hearing deficit and I don't do accents real well on the phone. Even work colleagues who's accents I'm used to, I struggle on the phone with them.