on โ09-10-2015 04:22 PM
Hi All Thank you for reading and I hope you are having a great day..
About a week to 10 days ago I posted a message about receiving a call from eBay. I was asked to check a lot of things such as the Sydney Number and to phone ebay with their code. I did all. and everything seemed fine. I got my eBay account the other day and when I checked it .. The Feature Store Was Marked $0.00 so I am very happy. Thats $50 per month I am saving. I love it..
Have a great day all
on โ09-10-2015 04:27 PM
Yay, wahoo, well done Paddy, great to hear some positive news & a win for a Seller - hope the Feature Store helps with sales & that you can make the most of it