I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

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I just opened a chat with an Ebay representative and asked them "what changes have recently been made that has seen my sales drop by 95-100% this month?" I received the following response

Jean Su. "We have done nothing to destroy any seller's account. It is up to the buyers to buy items and some items are seasonal. Also, there are many sellers nowadays that the competition is very stiff."

....I then mentioned that the drop in sales happened instantly which is neither seasonal nor due to competition being "very stiff" and the response I received was ...dead silence... It appears that rather than tell the truth o a lie Ebay will just go silent and wait for you to go away. So after years of advertising and telling us all to build our own Ebay business and encouraging us to rely on it for our living this is the response we get when they decide we are no longer of any use. I would have some more to say but i have already received 4 warnings from the Ebay moderation team today for speaking out of line. I guess they will shortly send me another dozen or so.....because i know I have been speaking my mind a lot lately. Shame on me.

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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

Mostly i am a buyer not seller . This is what i have found about a month ago lots of search filter options disappeared also when i use keywords for searching junk comes up that is not what i searched for , i spend forever whittling away at countless searches to find what i want. I just think things that are there ,,,that i know are there are somehow being filtered out! not filtered in ..in favour of showing me items I dont want ...does this make any sense it makes not sense to me what comes up when i do a search . I have been on Ebay long enough to think I know all there cunning tricks but Heh Ebay You Win keep showing me crap I did not search for ,,just by the way I think people will now wait for tax returne to start shopping again ,,there is not even money in the mattress


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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

 I agree and Gumtree really is better for secondhand stuff, ebay it not really a catch a bargain auction site anymore , Ebay had a bit of a quirky local feel but now ..not so much . im not keen on Etsy it pretty Expensivey I just want old Ebay back ..I dont mind all the asian stuff on Ebay it is great when you lose a phone charger but it has lots it soul a bit. What really rots my socks is vintage stuff slash junk thats not worth Jack and it gets listed as Buy It Now with some ridiculous price tag and it just stays on ebay being relisted over and over and over an over and over and over and that just...rots my socks seeing the same tired old overpriced crap month after month



Message 152 of 157
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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

12order, that is very interesting. I can guarantee Ebay.com worked the same way as ebay.com.au just a few weeks ago with all sellers around the word shown by default in search.  I even got some purchases made by US buyers, Now it shows only US sellers by default and I cannot even see my listings when I search for them on ebay.com 


But you know what, ebay.com.au is working the same way right now. As per now 21:07 23/06/213 If you search for words Love Is Sweet and that is one of my items with these keywords in its title you will get only 9 listings and three of them are mine.


And if you set to Worldwide you will get only 13 listings. That's unbelievable low # of listings for these keywords. There were always at least 50 listings for them and with international ones there were hundrends shown on ebay.com.au.


BTW, I have sold 9 of them in total in the last 9 days. Plus the one to an US buyer earlier. I was surprised to sell that many because other items are selling but not even close as fast as this one.


Decoroo - Custom made wooden products
Message 153 of 157
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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

Community Member

Yep, same for me.....

Message 154 of 157
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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

As what we were advised today bu Calling eBay Help, on the 20th of June they revamped the eBay Serach engine, in order to introduce the TOP RATED PLUS feature into eBay Austrlia. Being honest, our sales also since then has gone down.


A great Example of how bad the search engine is.


If you go into the Category - Books and Magazine /  Fiction Books


Our Item/Book Game of Thrones gets listed on the Top, among all other 2,546,044 Items which is top among 2 Millions plus entries. But now if you search for "Game of Thrones" on eBay you May or May not get this book on the top, Like us and many others are getting it on the second Page after 50 entries on the second Page, and for a few users it comes up on the top of the first Page.


Having been thru a few discussion forums here on eBay, everyone is saying that there seems to more the 2 search engines running on eBay, and based on this result which we see for our item I totally agree, there is something royally stuffed up here on eBay search engine

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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

I just searched "Game Thrones Martin" and you came up 100 in P+P - lowest and 3 in BM.

Message 156 of 157
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I asked Ebay what new changes have damaged my sales...and they responded...

Out of 111 fiction books. I excluded the comics and all the ones where the seller doesn't know what they're selling.

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