on โ03-01-2015 06:03 PM
I have listed my husband's very expensive phone (it's over $5000 brand new) and finally sold it at best offer for only $1300, much less than what we were hoping to get. But we really needed the money. I took all precautions - took very detailed photos, sent the buyer the IMEI number and tracking number, insured the phone for $1300 when posted. She received the phone and literally the next day I receive a message that she believes the phone to be a copy or a fake. I am in a state of shock, I am not a retailer, I only sell my own second-hand goods and this phone was a gift from a close friend of my husband's. There is absolutely no chance that it is fake or a copy. She didn't even investigate, i suggested that she takes the phone to a TAG store to check and she completely ignored that. I have a feeling this is a scam artist who is now requesting a return for refund and will send us back a fake phone to scam us.
My questions is, does anyone has any experience with what kind of process ebay/pay pal follows when a buyer claims the item to be fake? I listed the item with "no returns accepted" condition so I am also wondering - am I able to reject her return request?
on โ03-01-2015 06:36 PM
Sorry, what's SOD and OEM? ๐
I sent it by Express international courier with insurance value of $1300 ($50 less than what I sold it for but that's ok). But doesn't that just apply to damage in post?
I only have a photo of the numbers from the back of the box, I haven't actually took any photos of the numbers from inside the phone under the battery because I didn't want to scratch it by digging out the battery. But I have all the original photos I posted on the listing on my camera. I just feel sick to my stomach ๐ to lose this much money right now would be devastating for us ๐
on โ03-01-2015 06:37 PM
SOD=Signature On Delivery
OEM=Original Equipment Manufacturer
on โ03-01-2015 06:39 PM
Well, she is not claiming that she didn't receive the item. I have tracking and insurance as well. It would be impossible for me to contact the original TAG store where it was purchased though because it was bought in Italy and it was almost 5 years ago I think. ๐
on โ03-01-2015 06:42 PM
Hmm! I would be probably giving some serious consideration to police involvement now given the value of the item.
I would think if they (or anyone) try to use it the IMEI number will show up on the network. That will prove its no longer in your hands esp since you can prove previous ownership of that number.
A phone like this should be able to be permanently disabled thru the network anyway. So if they keep/use it you should be able to render it useless. The OEM should be able to advise on this. Even if they onsell it then whoever buys it won't be able to use it either.
on โ03-01-2015 06:44 PM
Must be a TAG store in Aust. I would get in touch with them and ask advice on this.
on โ03-01-2015 06:46 PM
on โ03-01-2015 06:47 PM
thanks clarry, haven't thought of that, that's really good advice. I will talk to my husband about that. But I guess I first have to go through the whole tedious ebay process. thanks again though.
on โ03-01-2015 06:50 PM
No matter what happens certainly do not issue any refunds until you are satisfied you have the original genuine device back in your hands in original condition.
on โ03-01-2015 06:51 PM
Bright, I think you must at least try. Surely they would have some sort of verification even after 5yrs that it is Genuine ? Am I too optimistic here ?
on โ03-01-2015 06:56 PM
Does anyone know by any chance how to block an IMEI number in a different country? or should we just make a police report in Australia?