Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

When does it ever end Ebay has become a place for people to scam and defraud sellers whichever way they can, you buy a DVD  use it watch it then knowing the Ebay return policy , claims item is not as described , states does not like it!

We have been selling this Instructional DVD for over  20 years  and only get praised for helping people with vital information on how to us a  Lathe , it takes  30 seconds to copy an item on disc what a cop out if it never worked or was incomplete I could understand, it is a joke you try so hard to conform to all of Ebays changes , but you have to get pi—d off when you know Ebay help these things rip us off.

IT IS LIKE GOING TO A FOOTBALL MATCH OR  MOVIE  when over request the organizers for a refund as they never liked it , and by the way pay for my petrol back home



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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

It will only become a scam if ebay allows the claim.

If I were you, I would be on a  phone to a rep fighting it on principle.


If the buyer was silly enough to say they just did not like the DVD, I can't see on what rational basis they can be awarded a refund.


If they said you had sent a DVD of  some other subject by mistake, that would be not as described but just not liking it doesn't cut it (with me, anyway).


I would love to hear how you get on.


Message 2 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

Does your return policy state that you accept change of mind returns?  If not, contact eBay and advise them that the buyer simply decided they did not like the DVD, which constitutes a change of mind, and you do not accept change of mind returns because you have no way of knowing that the buyer has not watched and/or copied the DVD.  If they insist you accept the return, refuse and tell them if they give the buyer a refund it had better come out of their own pocket and not out of yours,  or you will contact the FOS and Fair Trading. Tell them if you receive any negative feedback for following your advertised policies, you expect them to remove it, along with any associated seller defects. This sort of thing has got to stop!


Message 3 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

great Penny we have all this written in our return policy for this type of item , I rang the chap , just blatantly  stated  watched your DVD found it un informative , wants us to pay for return , will go and buy a book instead, was his reply , I said to him if you went to a movie and never liked it do you go to the box office after the show an ask for your money back , along with your petrol cost to get here.

 he just laughed.

The sad thing about it ! Ebay have created  this mess I I am sure they do not  give a stuff.

To save anymore hassles I will refund him and ban the moron.


Message 4 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

maybe someone should creat a site online to tell these stories so sellers can go find ids of bad buyers and add em to our bbl

Message 5 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

There used to be a good name and shame Facebook page, but the admin of the group decided to change it to a "help" page instead. Now it just gets flooded with people advertising their items.

Message 6 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

@davidc4430 wrote:

maybe someone should creat a site online to tell these stories so sellers can go find ids of bad buyers and add em to our bbl

As long as anyone who particpates in the running of, or submission to, such a site is prepared to handle all of the potential legal implications, such as the risk of being sued for libel.


There are also privacy laws surrounding the kind of information a seller is able to share about their customers, with hefty fines if a business is found to be in breach of them.


In a perfect world, eBay would take responsibility for the decisions (or lack thereof) they make when members consistently abuse things like the MBG, FB system and so on, and instead take action against such people (as in, permanently dereistering all IDs) - I guess they need someone to explain the phrase "fool me once...." to them. Smiley LOL

Message 7 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

yes, instead of doing the right thing by the sellers and weeding out the crooks, they make sellers work around the system to figure out who the other sellers are discovering are bad news thereby blocking them. much simpler to just make it say 2 strikes on non payment and you get a 2 year ban. 

with of course a review the decision system, give them a chance to prove extenuating circumstances.

but heck that might mean losing some fees mightnt it.

a bad buyer is better than no buyer.

 say ebay.

Message 8 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

But, but, but, there are no bad buyers. It's only sellers that are the lying, filthy, cheating scum of the earth and a scourge on society. Buyers can do no wrong. Just ask eBay.

Message 9 of 11
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Instructional DVD buyer does not like it ! WANTSt a return!

yeah your right, they arnt bad just missunderstood.

they dont mean to steal from sellers by lying and cheating.

and sometimes they do pay for stuff....we think they do, um, hope....

ebay is sure they are very sorry for being naughty.

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