on 05-06-2017 06:53 PM
eBay has been flakey all weekend at my house. My partner can't send messages. He can't accept offers on listings. I can't accept offers on listings and on and off can't print ebay forms including postage labels. Have contacted eBay this morning and they said there was an issue. They also said they'd email me when a fix was available. I haven't heard.
on 06-06-2017 07:42 PM
Not really....someone has to actually post on an old thread for it to float to the top again. That is hardly ebay's fault although they could prevent it by locking old threads after a certain time.
on 06-06-2017 08:49 PM
Hi I have been on the phone to ebay ,and its gremlins, who have been chomping on ebay since Friday. No magic bullet for them yet , If you cant accept offers in the noramal way, a somtines fix, is to click the box on the left, which has the offer details, and that may get you through .
You would expect an announcment but there is nothing from ebay
on 07-06-2017 12:13 AM
@lyndal1838 wrote:. . . . . . although they could prevent it by locking old threads after a certain time.
I think 12 months from the thread start date would be a good idea. If someone wanted to continue the conversation after 12 months they could start a new thread with a link to the old (locked) thread in the opening post.
An avenue to raise technical issues through a thread/board would also be a good idea for the problems encountered by the Opening Poster of this thread