Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Australian sellers are paying more in fees than ever before yet, if the eBay invoices are anything to go by, it seems the money we pay to eBay goes off shore to eBay International Helvetiastrasse 15/17 3005 Bern Switzerland. How is it that eBay runs it's commercial operations from an Australian au server, operates as if it's an Australian company, yet it doesn't use Australian Tax Invoices and presumably doesn't pay the same tax like the rest of us? Last financial year, eBay cleared over $7,000,000 profit per day. Is it not right that they should pay Australian taxes at the same rate we pay given we're all doing business in Australia? I would have thought this was especially important when billing Australians for goods and services supplied in Australia.

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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Not applicable

Your funny! Of course not. They also do not appear to answer to Australian Law. Anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong. I once contacted the department of fair Trading and they told me they have no juridiction over Ebay. They seem to pretty well do what they like. I imagine paying taxes is not high on their agenda.

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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?


Message 3 of 52
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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Well if my sales go as they haven't been lately, they won't be earning that much from Australia very soon. I don't think I'm the only Australian seller who is experiencing a significant slowing of transactions.


However it would be nice to think they paid tax in Australia since they do operate in Australia. Who knows. The government is pretty short of cash, maybe this will be one of the corporate loop holes they were mentioning in the budget.

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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

Not applicable

I think as they are a Swiss based company they do not pay tax in Australia. Perhaps we should just ask them. Maybe we should REPORT ourselves here and see if they delete us or give us an answer? I can feel a moderation coming on...

Message 5 of 52
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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

I think ebay is essentially an American company but I don't know if they are exempt from paying tax here or not.

Message 6 of 52
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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

It is a big issue everywhere


Big companies and sports stars avoiding tax by legal means


Even lil wayne has been paying lip service to the cause


But we all know what happens when Multi-Nationals are asked to pay there fair share




WAYNE Swan has called for G20 nations to co-operate to crack down on tax avoidance by multinational corporations.


Wake up and smell the coffee Starbucksโ€™s tax troubles are a sign of things to come for multinationals


Amazon UK paid ยฃ2.4m tax on ยฃ4bn sales last year


and our friends at ebay and paypal pay virtually no income tax or GST on all the transactions happening in Australia


I would like to know how a company like paypal can be wondering around the country with their tour bus spruiking their services and also have staff in Australia and then have no tax to pay as they legally squirrel it away in Switzerland next to the Fuhrer's Gold. 


Hopefully more people will inform on the illegal tax dodgers like below and the legal ones can be made to pay through legislation but will probably be circumvented by political donations and the like.


Complex 400GB-strong dataset.

The Australian Tax Office is grappling with a โ€œcomplicated and unstructuredโ€ trove of data as part of collaborative cross-border investigations into international tax dodging.

The project, involving tax authorities from Britain, the US and Australia, involves a 400 gigabyte c...British tax office.


The initiative falls under the ATOโ€™s Project Wickenby. Established in 2006, the cross-agency task force has recouped $691.9 million and p...

There are currently nine criminal investigations underway. 

The ATO is legally allowed to share local tax information with other countries under the Double Tax Agreements and the Tax Information Exchange Agreements.

Australia has tax information exchange agreements with more than 30 countries.  

The ATO declined to provide detail on how or where the data was being stored and analysed, but said the system on which the data was being retained was not beholden to any one country.

โ€œThe data is being stored in a secure system โ€“ separately and not integrated to ATO or international partner agencies systems,โ€ a spokesperson said.

โ€œThe data set is unstructured and complicated. A range of sophisticated analytical software is being used to interpret the data.โ€

It is understood the current investigation is focusing on individuals rather than businesses.

The local arms of global technology companies have come under fire recently for seemingly not paying enough tax.

The Government recently released a paper in which it approached industry for comment on whether the current use of ...

The paper highlighted โ€œaggressive tax practicesโ€ of the likes of Google and Apple. Treasury found since the onset of the GFC, Australian companies have been paying 27 cents per dollar of profit compared to the statutory rate of 30 cents per dollar. 

Google paid $74,176 in tax off $201 million in revenue locally last year, a figure later disputed by the company which claimed its tax bill was closer to $781,471. Apple Australia paid $40 million in tax in 2012 on revenue of $6 billion. 

No ICIJ collaboration

The data under scrutiny by the three countries does not include records obtained by global tax haven...The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the ATO confirmed. The ICIJ is analysing ...

An ATO spokesperson said there appeared to be similarities between the two datasets but the agency hadnโ€™t seen the ICIJ data.

The ICIJ is using free-text retrieval software from Sydney-based data indexing company Nuix and US-based dtSearch to a...

The ATO has so far placed two Australians under criminal investigation and has identified more 100 wealthy Australians who have set up offshore accounts, saving tens of millions of dollars in tax. 

Of those, 65 were identified as โ€œhigh riskโ€ after moving over $1 million in or out of the country without declaration. 

Copyright ยฉ . All rights reserved.

Message 7 of 52
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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

movie_models YOU are funny ! LOL your reply gave me the best laugh I've had in all the time I have taken to return to the eBay forums this month. THANK YOU! It is also great to have other posters replying in support instead of offering excuses for eBay and I thank you for taking the time 2 weeks ago for doing that, like a lone voice to start with, but then being like a trend setter in shaking up others to speak out against injustice. I think you're wonderful.


foreverdumb you are anything BUT foreverdumb lol. Thank you for all that info. You have documented some brilliant snippets of information very pertinent to this thread and I never thought it was already a seemingly hot topic. Let's hope our political minders are doing something about it. BTW when you mentioned 'lil Wayne' I thought you were talking about some American rapper LOL Then again, maybe we need a few American rappers to chart this type of injustice.

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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

There have always been jurisdictional issues relating to not only federal taxes, but also state taxes. Tax legislation is probably the most complex legislation to work with.


With the introduction of the internet (and online trading) a whole new set of complex issues have arisen as it is not so clear cut where a transaction occured in order to determine where the tax liability arises. You may have, by way of example, a company incorporated in one country, selling on an ebay site in another country, with the buyer in yet another country. The payment may have been made in yet another (eg Paypal based in another country yet again).


Whilst the internet has been revolutionary, appropriate safeguards to deal with issues such as tax evasion, privacy etc. have lagged behind from both a legislative and compliance/enforcement perspective.

Message 9 of 52
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Is eBay Paying its Fair Share of Australian Tax?

wishuponastarcelebrat.. you make some really good points and most are probably the reason why some of these big corporations are paying less than their fair share of tax. However, if I start at the easiest, dare I say the most blatant example of tax avoidance whether it be legal or illegal, eBay issue Australian sellers with an invoice for services rendered in Australia. The invoice is not a Tax Invoice. The invoice does not account for GST. For a service that has wholly and solely taken place in Australia (regardless of where the goods were sold), that invoice should be a Tax Invoice and the fees charged for the services rendered in Australia by that Australian seller should include Australian GST.

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