on 02-10-2013 10:15 AM
I sold an item early last month and the buyer took 10 days to pay.
I posted within the time frame I stated in the listing.
The buyer sent me a message on the Saturday just past, but I didn't see the message until Tuesday (yesterday). The buyer states there is a stain on the item - which I certainly did not see when I sent. There was no suggestion as to how the buyer wanted to resolve the issue, just a statement about it really.
I replied on Tuesday (yesterday) stating I'm sorry that it had happened, how did they want it resolved, would they like a part refund? I've had no reply and now noticed that they've just hit me with a negative feedback instead.
I'm quite upset, I know some people don't regard feedback at all, but some do and I'm not happy about it or how it may reflect on me as a seller. I think it is so rude to take so long to pay for an item then leave very little time for a resolution, over a weekend, and slug someone with a negative.
on 02-10-2013 10:18 AM
You can leave a reply to negative feedback to explain yourself. We all know that occasionally people won't be happy and I generally ignore negative feedback unless there are a few for the same thing. I had a buyer give me neg because she didn't like te shoes which was beyond my control, we all get it. 🙂
on 02-10-2013 10:55 AM
If you messaged the buyer before they left feedback, then ring ebay and seek removal of feedback on basis that comment is untrue, you did respond.
The feedback policy indicates that neg feedback may be removed in these circumstances - however IMO the results you get just depends on the particular rep you get. Worth a shot though if you did message them before the time that feedback was left.
on 02-10-2013 12:25 PM
The buyer left the feedback on Monday, the day before the OP responded to a 4 day old message.
I can not see any grounds for removal of the feedback as it is factual.
on 02-10-2013 12:46 PM
Thanks for clarification, I did not check out the dates of the feedback.
on 02-10-2013 03:24 PM
I wasn't trying to mislead anyone - I only noticed the feedback today. I don't log on to ebay everyday and when I do I don't always check my feedback.
I just think the buyer has been very unreasonable in expecting me to resolve this in less than 2 days, without even telling me how they were wanting to resolve it and particularly since they took 10 days to pay. I sent several messages about payment and never got one reply, then just finally did it on the 10th day. I think it's very unfair.
on 02-10-2013 03:57 PM
@pamprint wrote:I wasn't trying to mislead anyone - I only noticed the feedback today. I don't log on to ebay everyday and when I do I don't always check my feedback.
I just think the buyer has been very unreasonable in expecting me to resolve this in less than 2 days, without even telling me how they were wanting to resolve it and particularly since they took 10 days to pay. I sent several messages about payment and never got one reply, then just finally did it on the 10th day. I think it's very unfair.
Maybe you should log on each day...I don't wont to get involved and I am certainly not taking sides...If they contacted you on Sat and you didn't get that message until Tue, then that is 4 days - not 2... If you don't want to be online over the weekend (and who would want to if you don't need to) then maybe Monday morning should be your priority 'check messages' time.
I have seen over the years a few sellers that only log one or two days a week... They are not doing themselves any favours. I remember a few years ago I asked a seller a question on a Thurs...The following Wed he replied... When I asked why he took a week to reply, he answered that he only logs on every Wednesday... He did not get my business !
02-10-2013 04:15 PM - edited 02-10-2013 04:17 PM
@pamprint wrote:I wasn't trying to mislead anyone - I only noticed the feedback today. I don't log on to ebay everyday and when I do I don't always check my feedback.
I just think the buyer has been very unreasonable in expecting me to resolve this in less than 2 days, without even telling me how they were wanting to resolve it and particularly since they took 10 days to pay. I sent several messages about payment and never got one reply, then just finally did it on the 10th day. I think it's very unfair.
Hi Pamprint,
I agree with you, I do think that they reached for the Negative button a little bit too fast. (I call this DONKS - Dictator of North Korea Syndrome), so I do sympathize.
However, it really is at the buyer's discression when they do so, and not everybody has the same expectations of what reasonable is. A lot of buyers forget that eBay does have sellers whose life doesn't revolve around business/selling and are recreational sellers (or actually have a life LOL). They just think that if you're selling, then you must be attatched to your computer 24/7 and ready to jump when they command.
Whilst I do think that the buyer has acted with haste, when people have an issue, they tend to want it resolved immediately, or at least have immediate acknowledgement that their concerns are being addressed.
I know that it doesn't help very much, but I can't see the correlation between the time frame of when they paid and how fast they hit the red dot. Although, perhaps it is going through their mind "this seller hassled me for days with heaps of messages to pay, and then the second I have a problem, they just ignore me!"
You have been too kind. next time, perhaps think about messaging one time (someone will come along with a great suggestion of how to word it tactfully, and get the point across, make payment, or at least contact me to let me know when I may expect it, or I will open up an Unpaid Item Dispute.) and then if you receive no response by Day 4, (unless your terms and conditions give the buyer longer to pay) go to the Resolution Centre and open up an Unpaid Item Dispute. This will then give the buyer a further 4 days to make payment. If you choose to you can then close it after that 4 days, you will receive your FVF's back and are free to relist the item and the buyer will receive a strike against their account.
I know it seems unfair, but this is just how it works.
best of luck with your future sales.
PS make sure that you add this buyer to your Blocked Bidders List.
02-10-2013 05:57 PM - edited 02-10-2013 05:59 PM
I don't see what their late payment has to do with it, it was your choice to wait that long, you could have had payment in under 8 days or have closed an unpaid dispute after a full 8 day wait.
If you sell then you really should check your messages every day, it is unreasonable for a buyer with a problem to wait 4 days for a response. I would have asked them for a photo with the promise that they could either have a refund of the item price and keep it or a full refund if they returned it at my expense and it would have been within 24 hours of them sending the email.
I don't think there are any grounds for ebay to remove the neg, if you want to leave a follow up I would make sure it is apologetic!
on 02-10-2013 07:45 PM
I don't think the buyer has been fair at all.
Gosh OP you responded to them within 2 business days and I reckon thats more than fair enough for a smaller or occassional seller.
Whilst it is always best practice as a seller to check and respond to messages everyday, it is nonetheless IMO very poor buyer behaviour in this situation to be so impatient as to not give you at least two full business days to respond.