19-01-2015 10:17 PM - edited 19-01-2015 10:18 PM
I'm only a small seller. I sell a handful of items every month on my selling account and my number of feedbacks isn't very high. So imagine my surprise when I logged into Ebay today and saw my feedback rating had not only dropped from 100% to 92%, but Ebay also lowered my performance rating to "Below Average" and sent me a message saying I need to improve my seling performance asap.
Why did this happen? Well, I got two negative feedbacks last night that said:
"Great seller, fast postage, but DVD volume was very quiet" (It's an old B-rated movie from the 70s! The audio quality on such movies isn't always great to begin with. How on earth is that MY fault??)
"Seller posted game quickly. But disappointed it has glitches" (Whaaaaat???? I did not create this video game. I did not glitch test this game. How is it MY fault that the video game has glitches??)
If they were unhappy with the product, I would have happily refunded them. But nope, neither buyer messaged me to inform me they were unhappy with the item. They just...slapped me with negatives. It's not fair 😞
So...is there anything I can do about it? Will ebay remove the feedback if I explain the situation? Or should I message the buyers and ask them to remove the feedback? What should I even say to them?
on 20-01-2015 04:01 PM
I'm sure there are PLENTY of buyers who use the feedback system as a product review, especially when it comes to DVD's. I have seen plenty of negs because they didn't enjoy the movie,,,,,,,or to put it in their words "the movie sucked". It had nothing to do with slow postage or poor communication, they just didn't enjoy the movie.
I think the most ridiculous negative I saw was something like "the movie was terrible and mt kids didn't sleep for a week" (or something to that effect). The movie they bought was Psycho. Another one I saw was that it wasn't suitable for children and their kids were traumatised. It was a borderline X rated adult movie. Some parents must think that DVD's only contain kids movies.
on 20-01-2015 04:20 PM
I to was given neg feedback on my above average 100% seller/buyer. Why because the newbie bid and won, then asked me all the questions she should have asked b4 bidding. I gave discount and she decided her boobs might fall out of the dress so said she would not pay and left me neg. Ebay said I had to wait until the 18th to report her as a non payer. Meanwhile Im trying to sell with neg feedback because a buyer who bid on my item has got big boobs HOW IS THAT FAIR. She hasnt paid and feedback has been removed but she will receive nothing more than a reminder to pay and I will have to relist and hope the buyers that didnt win the item will bid again ( and hopefully not tell me stupid stories of the unfortunate anatomy attributes.)
on 20-01-2015 04:26 PM
A CD is made of layers the inner layer has the data encoded on it as pits and lands, the outer layer is only a protective layer and contains no data
which is why you can clean off minor scratchs
and why you have only half the story, and are pretending to have knowledge and skills which you do not 🙂
on 20-01-2015 04:35 PM
I finally sold a DVD elsewhere and then realised that I had sold the last good copy on here and only had a slightly
scratched one left.
So I refunded the buyer,including postage,left a note with the refund and then sent it anyway,(hopefully it will play
fine but I should've kept a better eye on what I had left so the buyer wouldn't be disappointed).
They then also purchased two from me on this account and I refunded the postage for the second one as combined
they only cost 10 cents more then for one.
on 20-01-2015 07:00 PM
Zelly - your bang on the mark. Hard working, legitimate, proceedure following sellers on eBay rank lower down the foodchain in eBay's eyes than the scammers, policy violaters and scum out there.
on 20-01-2015 07:01 PM
on 20-01-2015 07:25 PM
@howie696 wrote:A CD is made of layers the inner layer has the data encoded on it as pits and lands, the outer layer is only a protective layer and contains no data
which is why you can clean off minor scratchs
and why you have only half the story, and are pretending to have knowledge and skills which you do not 🙂
As I stated above, explanations in these forums generally need to be understandable by the lowest common denominator, which occasionally means having to oversimplify certain aspects. I don't usually need or have to justify my comments by stating my qualifications to every man and his dog, but as you've made it necessary, I'm a retired electronics engineer and I don't appreciate your totally inaccurate comments regarding my skills and knowledge in the least, so again I repeat; bite me.