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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

I was just reading through an earlier thread, where the original poster expressed frustration (to say the least !!) with ebay employees' lack of knowledge or understanding of ebay's own rules and policies.


I'm sure that this is the feeling of most ebayers who've had the misfortune to require and seek out Customer Service either by email or on the phone.


It results, on most occasions,in  having to re-contact ebay twice and sometimes much more to get any sort of useful and comprehensible  assistance. On some occasions, I simply give up, throw my hands in the air and decide if not worth the time or trouble. Having to re-contact CS reps presents another problem. You tend to get a different and sometimes opposite response with every agent you speak to.


In the surveys that ebay asks us to complete every now and then, I've repeatedly mentioned this problem. (Of course it doesn't make the slightest difference - surveys are ebay going through the motions of demonstrating: 'we are interested in our customers views and responsive to them').


I see this as not just an issue with insufficient training for employees in ebay rules and policies. I think it is also a reprehensible lack or interest or concern for the fact that, as predominantly second language speakers (and readers and writers) of English, their employees don't have the requisite oral or literacy skills in English to do the job effectively.


This is terrible both for employees and customers.There is nothing worse than being thrown into a job (ie thrown off the 'deep end') that one will struggle with and one simply doesn't have the skills to do. And it is only made a worse experience for them by the often irritated response that customers will no doubt give when the 'help' they are provided with is no help at all !!! They demonstrate all the time that not only are their productive skills in English poor (being able to clearly express themselves orally or in writing) but their receptive skills are also sadly lacking (being able to understand what others say or write).


Please don't for a moment think that I have a problem as such with second language speakers being employed by ebay. In fact, I commend it. As a English as a Second Language teacher, of some thirty years, of I have great sympathy for the experience of those attempting to do a job of work and having to operate in a language that is not their first language.


No, my problem is with ebay failing to support their employees by providing adequate training. Obviously, they think the only place for their enormous profits is into the pockets of the 'fat cats' at ebay and their share-holders. The transparency of their 'couldn't give a fig about anyone else' attitude, shines through, despite all their pretty 'ebayspeak' words !!


The mistake of arrogant people is thinking that everyone else is more stupid than them. Think again ebay !




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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

I couldn't have said it better myself!

The same goes in public hospitals for example.... and I'm tired of the race card being drawn.  It's got nothing to do with having a prejudice against any particular race at all.


As a former teacher of English, I value communication skills highly.  If I cannot understand you, and you cannot understand me, it doesn't matter how many pro-forma responses Ebay provides them with, the communication line is dead.  It's no good for them, and it's no good for us.

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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

I don't think the problem is language so much as that they are trying to help 15 or so people at once (at least online. That's why you have to wait 1 minute between replies).


With that said, they never answer my question correctly on the first reply. EVER.


Last time I contacted them, I asked for help linking Turbo Lister to my eBay account (I had just gotten a new computer and re-installed Turbo Lister, only to find that it wouldn't link to eBay).


I LITERALLY asked, "Hello, I'm having trouble linking my eBay account to Turbo Lister. Could you please help?"


and they LITERALLY replied, "here is a link to download Turbo Lister: [link]".


This isn't the first time. This happens every time. I always smash them in the survey afterwards. You should do the same.

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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

That would be an additional problem for the CS people and another example of how ebay 'cut corners' by not employing enough people for the demand !!

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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

Customer Service for sellers ( and in this case buyers as well) is such a low priority for eBay that it's clearly a deliberate strategy to have untrained poor educated minions on the phone. What possible benefit and positivity can these people bring to eBay? They are simply reading blurb off screens and have no ability to think for themselves.  In my opinion eBay is merely implementing the Orwelian notions of the book 1984. It's clear these people would believe 2+2=5 if eBay told them that was the case!



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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

perhaps it is not ebay - perhaps it is a deep dark plot of the universe that every help desk all over the world be manned by people who can't read/understand


I bring this to your attention - I  paid online for a magazine subscription on 14 Oct  (this is not ebay, this is an Australian seller tho)


By 19 Nov, I had not received my first magazine.   So I ring the help desk - press 1, press 2, put in your account number, press 1, press 3 etc - eventually - A PERSON - but not an Australian


me "I haven't received my magazine"   she "I can certainly help you with that.   I will make enquiries and you should receive a magazine within 10 days - if not please ring again"


me - walks down to the mail box that afternoon - there's the magazine!     I think, I'd better let them know ... but I will do it in an email because I can't stand the phone thing


me by email "I rang previously to say I didn't receive my magazine but I received it this afternoon - thank you, please consider my problem solved"


she by email "I'm sorry to hear that you did not receive your magazine.  I can certainly help you with that.   I will send out a replacement magazine"


me by email "no, I am writing to tell you that I did receive the November magazine, thank you.  Please consider my problem solved"


she by email "There is no October magazine."     Smiley LOL

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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

OT, but I had this very amusing conversation with a trolley boy in a supermarket car park the other day, after accidentally leaving my trolley coin in the trolley.


Me: "Oh! Did you notice if any of those trolleys still have the coin? I forgot to take it out!"


Him: "Yes"


Me: "Oh. So you found a coin?"


Him: "Yes"


Me: "So . . . can I have it, please?"


Him: "Yes"


Long pause. He stares at me.


Me: "You have no idea what I'm saying, do you?"


Him: "Yes"





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Lack of training for ebay CS employees

Correct again, hence the new 'help and support' layout which leads you 'round the garden path, only to tell you you cannot talk to anyone, or not offer you the option you would like to use.

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