on 01-01-2016 03:34 PM
Does anyone know the new price for LARGE letters? Can find anything on the Auspost website (only the 70c - $1), or here, other than a lot of guessing and assuming.
Does anyone actually know the confirmed price?
on 02-01-2016 12:48 AM
on 02-01-2016 06:16 AM
on 02-01-2016 01:03 PM
I've always used "free" postage on large letter items. I'm now adding a postage cost of $1.40 instead of increasing the item price. There is enough already added to the item price to cover the rest of the postage to make it up to $2 (or $2.50). I don't know if it will make a difference. If it does, I'll remove the postage cost and up the item price a bit.
on 02-01-2016 01:20 PM
I have a couple of orders that I will be sending priority amongst the orders ready for posting on Monday. I have asked the buyers to let me know when they arrive so that I can judge whether there is any real difference in the posting times. Not that I don't trust Auspost...but as my grandson says, "Just sayin' ".
on 02-01-2016 01:40 PM
on 02-01-2016 02:02 PM
let me get this right if i send you a lets say 2 large letters together, 1 priority and 1 normal.. the priority will get there roughly the same time as before, but the normal one will be slower . so 1 letter comes lets say monday the other lets say wednesday,would it have been faster if the postman dropped both letters to you on monday , instead of 2 different days , and how are aus post going to save any money this way.
on 02-01-2016 02:43 PM
Joe I'm guessing it would be similar to express post, in that it gets sorted and moved on before the regular post. Obviously it's not going to go at express speed, but I'm thinking in terms of sorting it would go something like, express first, then priority mail, then regular mail. It will be interesting to see how it pans out over the next few months.
on 02-01-2016 05:03 PM
The only way you are ever going to get an accurate assessment of the system is to post 2 identical items to the same person....one regular, one priority...and see when they arrive.
I regularly get satchels from Adelaide and often find when the seller posts 2 at the same time one will arrive a day or two after the other.
Goodness knows what will happen when there is an excuse for some mail taling longer.
on 02-01-2016 05:26 PM
It will be very interesting. My PO still don't know how they'll be sorting priority from regular or what the time differences will be in delivery.
For the moment, I'm upping my large letter price to include the increase but not the priority 50 cents and send will send regular. Will also send buyers a note reminding them about the change and asking them to take ebay's estimate with a grain of salt, since it's doubtful they'll change their (already wacky) estimated delivery times, or even include these changes in the options under 'standard postage".
We shall see.
on 02-01-2016 05:58 PM
Can you believe this is a :
42.86% HIKE.