Listing violation by me???

Hey all,

Quick question.. I posted women's diesel perfume and I got an email from eBay saying it was a policy violation & they took it off and threatened to suspend my account, I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHY? Anyone know why & can help explain it to me?
Message 1 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

Fortunately bakeandfry, in this instance my comment was simply a general observation addressed to nobody in particular. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Message 31 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

@kylieeden2013 wrote:
Ok so my account has just been suspended!
Are we allowed to sell perfume on eBay? I have been reading the policy and I still cannot work out what I have done wrong to violate policy??

It doesn't look like you have been suspended because the rest of your listings are still active. If you had been suspended, eBay would have pulled all your listings. My guess is you copped a policy violation on your account. If you accumulate too many of those, then they will pull your listings and shut you down. It also means you can't create a new account as you can't create new accounts to get around blocks or suspensions. 


Some companies are very particular about people selling their items. A lot of them you have to be an authorised reseller or they believe the item you are selling is a fake. I wouldn't list it back on here. As you noticed yesterday, the relisted item was removed pretty quickly, so my guess is they have someone doing regular searches of eBay and other selling sites to check for their products. If they find something, they report it and it gets removed.


You could try selling it on Facebook, but diligent companies will also search there as well. The better option might be to keep it and use it yourself.


As for selling perfumes on eBay, you are allowed to, providing the manufacturer isn't a member of the VERO program. You also must have a dangerous goods licence to be able to post it. It's all well and good to say nothing has happened so far, but one day you could get caught and the fines are massive. My husband carries general freight items, and had to get his dangerous goods licence renewed on the off chance there would be perfumes and other items in the freight that require it.

Message 32 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

My PO told me that as long as a parcel containing perfume had a 'ROAD ONLY' sticker (which the PO supplies) it was OK to send perfumes (assuming they are not on the Vero list). They are just not allowed to be sent by air.

Message 33 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

This is all very interesting. I understand the rules (well, to the extent of No You Can't) of unauthorized reselling of such things included in VERO, but I'd no idea you can't post perfume without a dangerous goods license (or if egglesdtp's PO are right, you can by road just not by air).

I've done that before with no clue it was illegal. Is it the alcohol content that denotes it as dangerous? What if it's cheap carp with little-to-no alcohol in it? Does this mean you can't post a bottle of scotch to your Dad? (I've done that too, more than once).

Sorry to derail your thread OP, just very curious, I should go look it up. I would follow the advice on this thread and take the listings down if you haven't already, no point getting into such strife over a few measly ebay transactions.
Message 34 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

Thanks for that info.  I have been sending items through Aust Post for years now and didn't realise these restrictions were in place.  When I look at the amount of things i sent that I should not have.....oh my!


I have just printed out the Australia Post Dangerous and Restricted Items section for future reference.  


Its amazing how many things they have restrictions on yet how much of this stuff is posted and delivered without 

issue.  Still, I can understand why these restrictions are in place and I no longer plan on unknowingly endangering others lives with what I post.  


Thanks again for pointing this out.  I think maybe eBay needs to issue a reminder to all members regarding updating themselves on what can and what cannot be posted.  Well done !

Message 35 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

Know what u mean cq...Give me back my old Nokia where I could text, drive and do my make-up all at the same time without having to look at the phone! lol!  These smartphones ... I cannot even text without having to have a minor stroke half way through a message! lol!!!!

Message 36 of 37
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Listing violation by me???

Bloody hell, I hope you weren't serious about texting, driving and doing your make-up all at the same time! Smiley Surprised


No, surely not. It was just a metaphor. Wasn't it? Smiley Tongue

Message 37 of 37
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